You don't know WTF you are talking about.
It took me all of 10 seconds to google "FDA shutdown" and come up with the following:
I did not say anything other than. Good one. By the way you posted it sounded like you did not know either. I'm not impressed with this BTW. Its one company in how many. Heck I have a face clock that is broke & its right twice a day.
The defendants have a long history of continued violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The government's initial complaint alleged numerous manufacturing violations documented in four inspections dating back to 2001. FDA later added charges related to Pharmakon's manufacture and distribution of unapproved new drugs, as part of the agency's longstanding policy to seek relief for all legal violations by a firm at the same time.
The government's request for a permanent injunction was based on the defendants' demonstrated unwillingness to comply with the law.
So its not like they did not get multiple do overs. Way to crack that whip.
I don't know why you have this insane hard-on for the FDA (particularly when you shout vigorously for less gov't in virtually every other area), but please wake up.
My hard-on has nothing to do with less or more Gov. Simply do what they were intended to do. Protect the people & not simply look at the profits of the drug & food industry.
I notice that you failed to answer the question.
Please name any "successful" organization that exists in this country. If you cannot, then your characterization of the FDA as "failed" is meaningless, since everyone else has also failed.
Single error? Besides with all these clinical trails, scientific proof how can there be any errors?
Please give me an example of a "less healthy food". Since Cheerios (and even bread!) are not healthy enough to even qualify as food in your book, I am interested in hearing what could possibly qualify as a "less healthy food".
I posted Cherrios is food. I simply stated don't expect eating it will help you maintain a healthy body. To your body, its basically sugar. Sugar is not healthy for the body & why Type 2 is exploding in America along with their waist line.
This from the person who screams bloody murder if the FDA does not stop every single death from every drug ever made! Apparently owning up for your own decisions doesn't apply if you are taking pharmaceuticals, or something?
In the basic sense it is there fault. The FDA is telling them our drugs are safe & as we know from discussions here. Some people have physical problems brought on by genetics.
I find it sadly pathetic that you have no problem with someone dying from using a FDA approved drug. Even people who were not in danger of dying.
Make up your mind. If you are going to play the ultra-libertarian people-who-are-stupid-enough-to-eat-hamburgers-don't-deserve-healthcare card, then you need to stop playing the gov't-should-wield-an-iron-fist-over-the-pharmcos card.
Again. Understand the argument.
Protection of the people over the protection of revenue.