This is actually almost laughable. Countries "pull us into their crap?" Just out of curiosity, you do know that we trained Bin Laden in his efforts against the USSR, right? We went to him, not the other way around. Same deal with Saddam. He was our best friend until it didn't serve our purpose any longer.
True ... in a naive and simplistic way.
The US doesn't do anything out of the goodness of our hearts.
Is that an admission that the Nazis (WWII Europe) and communist expansionism (Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan) were a threat.
What did the USA have to gain in Somalia?
I knew that as a 19 year old when I was deployed to Panama City. I remember that the biggest cry was about drug traffic activities. That stands to reason, our government doesn't like competition.
Yeah, that must be it. The US government created AIDS and purposely infected the black community for the same reason.
Of course we wouldn't attack Canada or Mexico. Not until an amazing oil reserve is discovered in either nation, anyway. After that the Yukon will become the 52nd state.
Canada is #2 IN THE WORLD, Mexico is 15th. (
I think that my point was completely lost here.
I find it funny between the use of force and sanctions. Again the ironic nature of that isn't lost on me. Take a look at the nations where we use force and others that sanctions are put in place. Then look at those nations allies and military abilities.
Things that make you go hmmmm.
Measuring the strength of your opponent and weighing the cost vs gain makes you go "hmmmm"? That's one of those things that makes me go hmmmm.