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Author Topic: Ask the Member Vol 3 Driving theme  (Read 2676 times)
« on: November 03, 2008, 01:02:19 pm »

Thinking about Buddha's thread got me to thinking....

1.) At what age did you get your Drivers license?

2.)The first vehicle you owned was?

3.) The thing I like most about my current Vehicle is?
3a.) The thing you hate the most about your current vehicle?

4.) Do you consider yourself to be a good driver?

5.) What Kind of Driver are you? (Speed demon, Aggressive driver, Old lady )

6.) Your Biggest Pet peeve when your on the road (ok Top 3)

7.) When you go some where, where do you tend to park in the parking lot? (close to the door, whatever is closer, etc, etc)

8.) How many Moving violations have you gotten? (tickets)

9.) My Dream car would be……

10.) Finish the sentence…..I would never own a…..(for whatever reason)
Brian Fein
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« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2008, 01:14:20 pm »

1.) At what age did you get your Drivers license?
Got my permit at 15, full lisence at 16

2.)The first vehicle you owned was?
A 1986 Dodge Caravan.  It was a hand-me-down from my mom.

3.) The thing I like most about my current Vehicle is?
3a.) The thing you hate the most about your current vehicle?
Its new and has more power than my old car.
It doesn't have much cargo room and the back seat is almost unusable unless you weigh 100 pounds or less.

4.) Do you consider yourself to be a good driver?
Yes, but I think some people on this board would disagree with me (*cough*CF*cough*)

5.) What Kind of Driver are you? (Speed demon, Aggressive driver, Old lady )
I am a regular-style driver, that can be speed-demon at times.  I used to be a lot worse, but I started concentrating on getting better gas mileage.

6.) Your Biggest Pet peeve when your on the road (ok Top 3)
People who would rather text message/play with GPS/dial their phone/put on make-up than drive. 

7.) When you go some where, where do you tend to park in the parking lot? (close to the door, whatever is closer, etc, etc)
Depends on who is in the car with me.  At work, I park far away from everyone else because I don't trust other people to open their doors without hitting my car.

8.) How many Moving violations have you gotten? (tickets)
I lost count.  Let's see, maybe 4 or 5?  I've only got one speeding ticket but I might have had a few accidents.

9.) My Dream car would be……
the same car I have now that doesn't use any gas and has more horsepower.

10.) Finish the sentence…..I would never own a…..(for whatever reason)
Minivan.  Or Station Wagon.  Although, I have been seen driving both in my earlier days, I wouldn't drive either at this point.
StL FinFan
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« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2008, 01:16:47 pm »

1.) At what age did you get your Drivers license? 16

2.)The first vehicle you owned was?  1974 Dodge Dart (green of course)
3.) The thing I like most about my current Vehicle is?  It gets me where I'm going
3a.) The thing you hate the most about your current vehicle? It's a minivan

4.) Do you consider yourself to be a good driver? yes

5.) What Kind of Driver are you? (Speed demon, Aggressive driver, Old lady )  I used to be a speed demon until I had kids

6.) Your Biggest Pet peeve when your on the road (ok Top 3)  People who don't use their turn signals.  People who race to get in front of you and then go slower than you were originally going.  People who think they have the right of way when they don't.

7.) When you go some where, where do you tend to park in the parking lot? (close to the door, whatever is closer, etc, etc)  Store - close to the door.  Sports event - close to the exit.

8.) How many Moving violations have you gotten? (tickets)  Zero

9.) My Dream car would be…… Ford Mustang convertable

10.) Finish the sentence…..I would never own a…..(for whatever reason)  stupid little ugly car that looks like a box.

Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2008, 01:21:15 pm »

2.a pontiac catilina landbarge
3.good gas mileage
it's getting a little old
6.people that slow down to 55(or slower)on a 70 mph highway whenever they see a cop.
7.first available
8.maybe 4,lifetime
9.don't really have one,maybe a 'vette
10.jaguar,everyone i know that has ever had one has had nothing but problems.mitsubishi,same.
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« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2008, 01:22:47 pm »

1.) At what age did you get your Drivers license?

2.)The first vehicle you owned was?
1982 VW Rabbit...powder blue!  

3.) The thing I like most about my current Vehicle is?
Pretty much everything!

3a.) The thing you hate the most about your current vehicle?
Don't hate anything...wouldn't mind more storage for trips but that's it!

4.) Do you consider yourself to be a good driver?

5.) What Kind of Driver are you? (Speed demon, Aggressive driver, Old lady )
Middle of the pack.  I can be aggressive when need be but generally am a obey the speed limit and 'I'll get there when I get there' kind of guy.

6.) Your Biggest Pet peeve when your on the road
People that aren't paying attention to driving while...DRIVING!

7.) When you go some where, where do you tend to park in the parking lot? (close to the door, whatever is closer, etc, etc)
If it's not pouring I just find an open spot - far away or not.

8.) How many Moving violations have you gotten? (tickets)
3 - and I received all three before I hit 20 years of age.  I'm 17 years ticket free at this point.

9.) My Dream car would be
A 4WD hybrid of some kind...

10.) Finish the sentence..I would never own a car that doesn't run!

"God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2008, 01:31:42 pm »

1.) At what age did you get your Drivers license?
2.)The first vehicle you owned was?
Technically a 1977 Chevy Pick up 4Wd,But bought my 1975 Dodge Ramcharger a few months later,Sold it last January Cry

3.) The thing I like most about my current Vehicle is?
It's newer,and has some bells and whistles,but gets good gas mileage

3a.) The thing you hate the most about your current vehicle?
I really wish it had a small extended cab,I've not found many extended cabs with a 6 cylinder...There are times when I could use a little more space

4.) Do you consider yourself to be a good driver?

5.) What Kind of Driver are you? (Speed demon, Aggressive driver, Old lady )
I drive like an old lady,on the defensive side...

6.) Your Biggest Pet peeve when your on the road (ok Top 3)
People not paying attention,not using their turn signals,people that pull out in front of me,when there isn't anyone else behind me....5 five extra seconds....

7.) When you go some where, where do you tend to park in the parking lot? (close to the door, whatever is closer, etc, etc)
I very rarely park near the door,unless I'm taking my mom somewhere...

8.) How many Moving violations have you gotten? (tickets)
Zero Knock on wood...

9.) My Dream car would be……
63 Stingray?

10.) Finish the sentence…..I would never own a…..(for whatever reason)
Volkswagon...I'm not a fan of them...
YJFF Member
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« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2008, 01:33:52 pm »

1.) At what age did you get your Drivers license? I got my license along with a "new" car on my 16th bday.

2.)The first vehicle you owned was? It was an 87 Pontiac Sunbird. 4 door. Because my dad is a dork.

3.) The thing I like most about my current Vehicle is?  It's paid for.
3a.) The thing you hate the most about your current vehicle? It's white.

4.) Do you consider yourself to be a good driver? Yes.

5.) What Kind of Driver are you? (Speed demon, Aggressive driver, Old lady ) I'm pretty middle of the road.

6.) Your Biggest Pet peeve when your on the road (ok Top 3)?  1) People that talk on the phone, or do any other thing than drive.  2) What I call the "Florida Creep". It's hwen the first car at the light, starts creeping forward. I don't get it.  3)  Drag racers. When I first got my car I had dumb kids in the neighborhood try to race me. It's a Tiburon. There's no racing going on here.

7.) When you go some where, where do you tend to park in the parking lot? (close to the door, whatever is closer, etc, etc)  I park far out because I don't like waiting for a spot.

8.) How many Moving violations have you gotten? (tickets) about 3-4. Haven't had on in years, though.

9.) My Dream car would be…… It's a tossup right now. The new Honda Insight Hybrid that's coming out next year.

10.) Finish the sentence…..I would never own a…..(for whatever reason)  A gas guzzling SUV. They just make no sense whatsoever.

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« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2008, 01:56:48 pm »

1.) At what age did you get your Drivers license?

Permit at 16, Full License at 17

2.)The first vehicle you owned was?

I had a beater late 70s Mercury Zepher for a short time.  I only owned it for a couple of months.

3.) The thing I like most about my current Vehicle is?
3a.) The thing you hate the most about your current vehicle?

I drive an SUV, I like that I'm high up on the road.  I have good visibility.
I don't like that I use a lot of gas for tasks that don't need it.  My car is great for things like picking up groceries, or transporting a lot of people, but when I'm driving by myself, I feel wasteful.

4.) Do you consider yourself to be a good driver?

In terms of safety and competence, yes, but in terms of navigation and missing exits, no.

5.) What Kind of Driver are you? (Speed demon, Aggressive driver, Old lady )

I'm generally pretty safe and stick with the flow of traffic.

6.) Your Biggest Pet peeve when your on the road (ok Top 3)

- I don't mind when people drive slow, but I'm irritated when people drive slow that aren't in the right-most lane.
- I don't like when people who have the right of way don't take it.  Their "politeness" slows everything down and adds to confusion.
- I think that if you make a navigation error, you take the burden.  What I mean is that if you end up in the wrong turn lane, tough it out and make the turn anyway, inconveniencing yourself.  Don't stop and hold everyone else up.

7.) When you go some where, where do you tend to park in the parking lot? (close to the door, whatever is closer, etc, etc)

I park wherever there's a spot, taking the closest available.  I don't drive around looking, though.  I'll park in the boondocks before I'll vulture around the lot.

8.) How many Moving violations have you gotten? (tickets)

I think I've only gotten 1 speeding ticket in my life.

9.) My Dream car would be……

I don't really have one.  I like BMWs.  I owned a 1989 325i a while ago and it was nice.  Maybe if I had money to blow, I'd get another.

10.) Finish the sentence…..I would never own a…..(for whatever reason)

Mercedes.  I like them okay, but for the money that you'd pay, I'd rather have a BMW.

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« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2008, 03:42:39 pm »

1.) At what age did you get your Drivers license?

14 and a half, in South Dakota, where I was visiting relatives. You can get licenses there if you need to drive farm equipment, etc...

2.)The first vehicle you owned was?

Never owned a car in HS...first one I owned was when I got to Germany in the military, and it was a piece of shit volkswagen bug.

3.) The thing I like most about my current Vehicle is?

Big enough for a fella of my size.

3a.) The thing you hate the most about your current vehicle?

Engine issues, no AC

4.) Do you consider yourself to be a good driver?

Better than good...I taught defensive driving as a secondary MOS for two years.

5.) What Kind of Driver are you? (Speed demon, Aggressive driver, Old lady )

Fast but safe

6.) Your Biggest Pet peeve when your on the road (ok Top 3)

People who drift over lines on the highway, people who don't pay attention in general while behind the wheel.

7.) When you go some where, where do you tend to park in the parking lot? (close to the door, whatever is closer, etc, etc)

First open space I see...

8.) How many Moving violations have you gotten? (tickets)

Speeding tickets? Many when I was younger, none in a while. I got three tickets within my first two weeks of getting back from Germany where the least severe of the tickets was 89 in a 40 mph zone

9.) My Dream car would be……

One with a hot naked midget in the back seat...and two more in the trunk.

10.) Finish the sentence…..I would never own a…..(for whatever reason)

a Mini Cooper, because I look like a fezless shriner when I sit in one.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 03:44:51 pm by Sunstroke » Logged

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« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2008, 08:42:04 pm »

1.) At what age did you get your Drivers license?  16

2.)The first vehicle you owned was?  '89 Isuzu Trooper

3.) The thing I like most about my current Vehicle is?  Everything...has never broken down and very dependable....'03 Honda Accord V6 EX coupe
3a.) The thing you hate the most about your current vehicle?  Not a thing...it has been very good to me and I've never had a problem with it since I bout it back in '03

4.) Do you consider yourself to be a good driver?  Yes...never been in an accident (knock on wood) and have only had one speeding ticket when I was 16

5.) What Kind of Driver are you? (Speed demon, Aggressive driver, Old lady )  Defensive for the most part...do about 5 over the speed limit and always looking for crazys

6.) Your Biggest Pet peeve when your on the road (ok Top 3)  1. People pulling out in front of me when I'm dong 50mph  2. people texting on their phones when they are driving  3. Getting cut off

7.) When you go some where, where do you tend to park in the parking lot? (close to the door, whatever is closer, etc, etc)  The place with the most space for my car...if I have to walk an extra 30 yards, no big deal...I just don't want my car dinged

8.) How many Moving violations have you gotten? (tickets)   one speeding ticket when I was 16

9.) My Dream car would be……  jeez I have too many...Honda S2000, Nissan Skyline, Acura NSX, what I really want right now is a Toyota Tundra

10.) Finish the sentence…..I would never own a…..(for whatever reason)   Mercedes or BMW...most of those people that cut me off drive one of those and it's makes me hate those cars
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« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2008, 09:28:46 pm »

1.) At what age did you get your Drivers license? 15

2.)The first vehicle you owned was? 76 Pinto

3.) The thing I like most about my current Vehicle is? I dont have one
3a.) The thing you hate the most about your current vehicle? I don't have one?

4.) Do you consider yourself to be a good driver? yes

5.) What Kind of Driver are you? (Speed demon, Aggressive driver, Old lady ) old lady

6.) Your Biggest Pet peeve when your on the road (ok Top 3) 1, getting cut off, 2, slow drivers, 3, bad drivers

7.) When you go some where, where do you tend to park in the parking lot? (close to the door, whatever is closer, etc, etc) I grab the first space I see wherever it is.

8.) How many Moving violations have you gotten? (tickets) a bunch

9.) My Dream car would be…… 68 Cougar XR7

10.) Finish the sentence…..I would never own a…..(for whatever reason) Prius...because I might trip over it

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« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2008, 09:45:42 pm »

1.) At what age did you get your Drivers license?
17 in the dirty jerZ.

2.)The first vehicle you owned was?

EXACTLY like this one.  100 spoke pimp rims on mine tho.

3.) The thing I like most about my current Vehicle is?
3a.) The thing you hate the most about your current vehicle?

it's loaded and pimpin in & out BUT it makes me miss the "truckiness" of my last car ('05 Explorer)

4.) Do you consider yourself to be a good driver?
Absolutely.  I rock, because I grew up learning in the most cut-throat place (north NJ/NYC).

5.) What Kind of Driver are you? (Speed demon, Aggressive driver, Old lady)
Fast but very safe...no weaving, cutting off, etc.

6.) Your Biggest Pet peeve when your on the road (ok Top 3)
1 - People in the left lane on the highway.  MOVE THE FUCK OVER IF YOU'RE NOT PASSING ANYONE!!!!
2 - People who give you the bird or yell at you because THEY did something completely 100% wrong.
3 - Lane drifters....WTF??

7.) When you go some where, where do you tend to park in the parking lot? (close to the door, whatever is closer, etc, etc)
Don't really care....wherever there's a spot.

8.) How many Moving violations have you gotten? (tickets)
TONS.  i've been 1 point away from losing my license twice.  never had an accident tho.

9.) My Dream car would be...
Lamborghini Diablo, Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, or pimped out 60's Lincoln Continental w/ suicide doors.

10.) Finish the sentence:  I would never own a....(for whatever reason)
Japanese car (hondas & toyotas i'm looking at you).  CHEAP, garbage, plasticky POS's.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 09:48:27 pm by TonyB0D » Logged
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« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2008, 12:03:01 am »

1.) At what age did you get your Drivers license?  17

2.)The first vehicle you owned was?  Ford Tempo

3.) The thing I like most about my current Vehicle is?  It's a corvette  Grin
3a.) The thing you hate the most about your current vehicle?  Expensive upkeep

4.) Do you consider yourself to be a good driver?  Hell yeah

5.) What Kind of Driver are you? (Speed demon, Aggressive driver, Old lady )  Defensive Driver

6.) Your Biggest Pet peeve when your on the road (ok Top 3)
Onlookers/Rubberneckers, Speed demons, Old lady's

7.) When you go some where, where do you tend to park in the parking lot? (close to the door, whatever is closer, etc, etc)
Far away don't need any door dings

8.) How many Moving violations have you gotten? (tickets)
FUCKING 1!!!!  I hate you, cop!  I hate you, you fucking asshole!!! 

9.) My Dream car would be……  Corvette - OWNED  Grin

10.) Finish the sentence…..I would never own a…..(for whatever reason)
The box car, the mini, yaris, smart car, SUV, I could go on...
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