Why? What is the basic beliefs that makes you a liberal?
I believe in a progressive tax system.
I believe in a secular government and oppose religion creeping into school and government.
I am pro choice.
I support gay rights and gay marriage.
I believe in a push to protect our environment and reduce man's contribution to global warming.
I oppose short term solutions to long term problems (offshore drilling, as opposed to green energy).
I support a culture of intellectualism.
I believe in increased diplomacy.
I reject the withering of rights in the name of terrorism.
I support increased regulation in industries that have the ability to single-handedly topple our economy.
I believe in stem cell research.
I believe in a respect for science.
I believe in providing universal health care, preferably through government issued insurance.
I feel that openly criticizing your government is as patriotic as supporting it.
I support the legalization and taxation of "vices": drugs, prostitution, gambling, rather than puritanical laws trying to stop it.
That's off the top of my head.