You hate guys cause they cause trouble and are a distraction.
Yes, kinda.
I hate guys that cause trouble and are a distraction WITHOUT the play on the field to warrant it or the leadership qualities that go with it.
I am okay with a guy that's a locker room leader calling out his own teammates to get better play out of them and ultimately making the team better. (What I've seen from Jason Taylor in past years.)
I don't like when a guy calls out his teammates (Seth McKinney bitching about Ricky Williams in the media) when he himself doesn't have his stuff in order. In his case, it seemed like petty bitching. There's a fine line.
I also don't like mental mistakes -- false starts, laziness, unsportsmanlike conduct (the worst of all) -- they just make me nuts.
There are also some other cases of guys that you might think I'd hate, but I didn't -- Brian Cox, for example. He was a total loose canon, and cost us a lot with his stupid bullshit. But when it came to it, he would put his neck out to protect his teammates (I remember him coming to Stoyo's aid once.) I think that kind of thing builds team unity. I liked him for that. Of course, I was a lot younger and thought flicking off the Bills was justified. Now, maybe not so much.