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Author Topic: Cliff Lee is Talented, but Dumb  (Read 1801 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 10137

« on: March 17, 2011, 02:56:01 am »

    Phillies left-hander Cliff Lee contends that the Yankees are getting too old, but Yanks general manager Brian Cashman doesn't share his belief.

    Lee told Philadelphia radio station WIP last week that he chose to sign with Philadelphia instead of New York because "some of the Yankee guys are getting older."

    To that, Cashman's response was that it simply isn't the case, though he was hardly insulted by Lee's statement.

    "Some of our core guys that we have relied on have gotten up there, but we have a group of young players that we're excited about," Cashman said. His remarks appeared in a story in the New York Post on Wednesday. -MLB.com

Dude, really? I will borrow some stat work from Nomaas.org on this one:

Spreadsheet time: Current Roster vs. Current Roster -- 5 probable starting pitchers*, 7 probable relievers, and 8 probable starting position players (plus the 39-year old Posada as DH)

Yankees average age: 30.6
Phillies average age: 31.8

Here's the thing, that includes the assumption that Freddy Garcia and Bartolo Colon take the final 2 rotation spots, even though it's very likely 25 year old Ivan Nova ends up with one, dropping the average age lower.

Then, his wife starts making comments about Philadelphia's easy subway system and culture. Are you serious? It's New York City!!! The whole thing is based on culture and and subways. God, what's so wrong with saying you just wanted to pitch for the Phillies and not New York? You don't need reasons for it, just personal preference. This just makes you look stupid.

Oh, and at 32 years old Chase Utley is washed up due to knee problems. His defense will be almost as bad as Derek Jeter's.
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