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Author Topic: Please show me the predictions ...  (Read 5051 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 4638

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2011, 01:40:29 am »

Trying to be level headed and will cease my calls for major changes.  Having worshipped this team for almost 30 years, this will be the first season that I will hope we lose out and draft a franchise QB.  With this, the major changes will be inevitable and a TRUE rebuilding process can finally begin.  Just hope our few bright young stars stay healthy and gain the experience to lead the future Dolphins to the promised land.

Great so you are in the same boat as many of us who have been open fans for this long or longer in the case of some.
But you put entirely too much faith in the fact we would get a franchise QB to really build around. They are few and far between, but the number of busts and almost beens is quite long.
But the majority of all these negative posts offer nothing, and I mean nothing to solve our problems period. Occasionally Mike O actually laces his rants with an idea or two, but the rest of you just spew out "fire this person" or "get rid of so and so" with no effort into how were are going to fix all the problems in our team.
Even if we got a great QB and coach, it will not be an overnight turn around.
But the rest of us are tired of watching our team lose and having to read the same drivel post after post from  other fans.
Uber Member
Posts: 4638

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2011, 01:43:58 am »

wow what a freaking loser mentality of a fan base we have become...

all that nfl parity nonsense, handful of new teams that make the playoffs, churn in the division race, nah we couldn't possibly think the dolphins could actually be a part of any of that.

we'll take our 7-9, 8-8 mediocrity because we know how to set expectations real low around here. we knew they were going to lose these first games anyways

And exactly what is the mentality of just constantly bitching? You are not affecting change in the team. Fans can only do so much to try and get their team to make changes to improve.
So our choices are do what we can as fans and deal with it, or pick another team that seems to have figured out how to make things work.
But if you want to see a truly loser mentality from its fans, you need to be around lifelong Raider fans from Northern California. They have no hope ever.
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Posts: 16013

Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2011, 05:30:48 pm »

bsmooth, I live in NorCal and I know plenty of Raider fans with hope, so I think maybe you're projecting.

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