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Author Topic: Your Favorite Desktop Twitter app?  (Read 2524 times)
« on: March 22, 2012, 05:16:12 pm »

What do you use for Twitter,on your laptop,or desktop?

I'm hoping someone has some suggestion,that I could try,rather than some writer,bloggers,random website thoughts.

I've tried the Chrome extension,and desktop versions of Tweetdeck....(and it frustrated the hell out of me...)

Pros -
I can see my mentions,my lists columns,and my home list...

Con - the frustration I'm not using it...
(on both the Chrome extension,and the desktop version)
So when I use normal Twitter,and I have new tweets,Twitter holds them all up,till I click on them...7 new tweets,I click on them,it pops them all open...Tweet deck constantly streams,I have to remember,Did I read that one? How long ago did I check this?

The chrome extension has the pop up extension,(I don't want a noise,it can be turned off,and the pop up feature too) I'm working in my 3d program, adjusting a setting,and pop up,pops right in front of the blank I was working...Which automatically changed the setting to Zero,sending the points I was adjusting into the oblivion...there is no other way to notify you that there are new tweets,without having to keep going back to look at it...

The desktop version wasn't any better,except it just sat there like an open broswer window in the middle of my desktop....

What do you like to use? Pros Cons of it?
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« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2012, 08:25:21 pm »

I only use it on my Android phone....I think the only time I have ever accessed Twitter on the desktop was to sign up.


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« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2012, 10:45:07 am »

I use TwitterGadget because it embeds in my iGoogle (I think that's what it's called) page. So, I have my email, news, google reader, Twitter, Spanish word a day, Gchat, and the weather all in one handy dandy page. It keeps me entertained when I should be working.

I hated Tweetdeck.

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Brian Fein
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« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2012, 11:29:24 pm »

Um, I use twitter.com.

Not sure why you'd need anything else...?
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2012, 11:39:16 am »

^^ Multiple,columns,and feeds....

My reasons for wanting more than "twitter" home page

I've tried Tweetdeck (1.2,and 1.3) and Hootsuite.I'll probably try out Buddhas mention later...

I have a list of sports reporters,that I don't follow,but are in a list so I can see their tweets...To see that list have to go to the drop down menu which changes the window to choose which list I want to see,choose the list. (I only have one right now) Click on that list,which just opens up all the the people's tweets on the list...While looking at the "list",I miss all those tweets on my home page.

During the first week of free agency I had two tabs open,one for my home page,one for my list.I would add almost all my sports writers to the list,if I found the right App..I get really bored with seeing sports writers live tweeting a different sport that they are just fans of,that they don't cover...Also I get tons of duplicate tweets

Carrie Muskat tweets,Bleed Cubbie Blue retweets it,then Chicago Cubs retweets it.David Kaplan says something Carrie Muskat,and Bleed Cubbie Blue,Chicago Cubs re tweet is...I end up with 10 of the same tweet....

Most of these twitter apps,better manage space,letting you set up multiple feeds,and columns.Some let you re-size the columns, some automatically put media in the tweet.

The normal Twitter window wastes a whole lot of screen real estate with one column, It's like using a porn site made for cell phone,on a desktop computer..
Brian Fein
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« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2012, 09:05:32 am »

Maybe I don't know what I'm missing....
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2012, 02:02:17 pm »

^^ So far not much,they all seem to have their downsides...
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2012, 05:16:43 pm »

Well off the the Life hacker tweet this morning...I'm running Metrotwit

It's far from perfect,and I've actually only been running it for a couple of hours....

- It does what I want,It streams my twitter feed using multiple columns.
- Customizable,with light,and dark themes,and choice of highlight colors.Size of columns,size of text etc...
- after some tweeking,non intrusive,but there notifications of new tweets,and even telling me how many tweets (even more long what I wanted....
- FREE!,no need to sign up,login to the application to use (like Tweetdeck,and hootsuite) I'm using the free version,not the $17 pro version.(multiple twitter accounts,and no ads)
- It works with picture apps,twitlonger,all that support I think it built in...

nice little surprise...
- If someone retweets someone else' tweet,Most of the time,it shows both avatars...(I think this doesn't always work because the way some tweets are retweeted,and some mobile apps)
-*you get to pick which column the add for the free version of the program runs(for me it's in the mentions column,the one I see the least,and the smallest column for me....So far far from intrusive advertising...
- It gives me how many new tweets/mentions,as in a number above each Column
- It leaves a little place marker,where the old and new tweets start (the color you choose in the settings) on each column

- I had to install microsoft .net version 4,+all the security updates to install the program...I think it's running through internet explorer...YUCK
- It's not going to replace my browser version of twitter,and they don't have a browser version for chrome at least in the webstore...
- (Kind of an add on to the above) I don't seem to have any control of twitter habits,Follow,unfollow,Block people,etc,etc....
- It's a little,non intuitive in places...If I click on picture tweeted,it opens a little box showing /previewing the picture,but the only button is open in browser.I hit escape to make it go away..The settings interface,just a back button,no Ok,accept button...
- (subset of above con) You have to click on each column to erase the new tweet in that column...

I have to admit,when I saw an interface based on the new upcoming windows 8,metro screen..I thought no way...So far it's ok...

Thought I'd pass it along...
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