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Author Topic: Things you prefer to do in the Morning?  (Read 1513 times)
« on: May 14, 2012, 12:24:04 pm »

I thought of this while laying in bed at 2 am Saturday morning,to help me prepare to get up earlier sometime this week,and sort of tested my answers yesterday morning...(All have pretty much rang true over a longer period of time,but I did think about it much more yesterday)

What things do you prefer/like,to do in the Morning?

For me....I don't consider myself a morning person,but also don't consider it to be evil incarnate...

Going Squirt,Peeing - When I first wake up,I may let the dogs out,make coffee,do menial chores.There is always that chance that I might go crawl right back into bed,and go to sleep.Unless I have my morning squirt,It's almost like my a wake up start button,If I go squirt the chances are very low that I'm going back to bed..Unless I'm ill,feeling like I do now (like a pregnant woman with morning sickness,I'm ok, then some random smell is making my sick to my stomach.) The rest of the day,having to go pee,squirt is more of Nuisance,that I'm in the middle of something..Damn I need to squirt...Driving somewhere,and needing to water the tulips...

Reading - Not books,as when I read books I tend to fall asleep,but a lot of other things....I find when I wake up, I prefer to read,I scrounge for things to read...I will read every word,of every tweet in my time line,sports reporters,etc,etc. In the afternoon,evening,I read twitter more....does it interest me,a baseball writer talking about basketball,football writer talking baseball,celebrity plugging something.I pretty much skim them,read the things that intrest me,or I find amusing and funny......Articles online,tutorials,design,theories,...I can read Peter Kings Monday Morning Qb,but if I forget,or get busy in the morning and try to read it in the afternoon later in the day...Seattle Seahawks,I don't care,skip that section.Nah, I don't care about that section,skip it...

Working on mechanical things - When working on my truck,plumbing,building something...

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« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2012, 12:34:29 pm »

I am not a morning person. If I have to do something I will get up and do it. If I have a free day, my morning is filled with nothing but bed and TV until I get up to eat.
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2012, 04:28:03 pm »

Gotta have my coffee in the morning with my wife.
YJFF Member
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« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2012, 04:51:52 pm »

For me, its working out.  Unless I do it in the morning, I will never do it after work (no matter how much I promise myself I will).

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Posts: 4079

F U Crassmonster me anywhere

« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2012, 04:17:27 pm »

Smoke a fatty and jump on a bus...

It's been a while.......
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