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Author Topic: Random Topic:Things you've lost....  (Read 1306 times)
« on: May 24, 2012, 04:31:59 pm »

Old School type Post.... Shocked  Grin

1 - Thing you tend to lose,misplace the most?
2 - The most expensive thing you've lost? (not Stolen that's another question,stop trying to cheat..)
3 - The item/thing, you would fear losing the most?
4 - Strangest/stupid/odd thing you've ever lost?

5 - Most expensive thing that ever got stolen?
6 - Name something that maybe wasn't expensive,but maybe meant the most that was stolen

My answers...

1- What I'm drinking,I might carry it anywhere I go in the house,and set it down...Go back to what I was doing,then forget where my drink went.Pens,and Pencils are a close second.

2- The rent money

3- Work laptop

4 - A young lady I was dating's phone number (pre caller Id days).I lost her number,and thinking she 'd be pissed if I asked for it again.For awhile I'd just randomly show up at her apartment,because I didn't have her phone number...Eventually,I got her tell me her number again...

5 - My heart by a woman? Most of stuff that has been stolen from me,I'm not sure how to put this...I wouldn't consider expensive really,m example would be...Like the Amp,fuzzbuster that got lifted from my truck like 10 years ago.New they were probably pretty expensive,but I bought them used,and had them for a few years.I never replaced them after they were stolen.

6 -1.) The steering wheel my brother bought me,and had customized,2.) The Cassette tapes,that got lifted out of my car in High school.(I've never been able to find all the music,even with the internet)
Uber Member
Posts: 3538

watch me lose my mind, live and in full color.

« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2012, 09:16:07 pm »

1.  My sunglasses.
2.  Probably one of the dozen or so cheap ass watches I had
3.  golf club or one of my fishing rods
4.  Chemistry textbook in highschool but it evened out because I stole someone else's
5.  My tools.  Some asshole took them right out of the garage while I was down in NC
6.  I had these two obsidian rocks, came out of a rock tumbler and I spent 6 months on those fuckers.  Took them and the others in for show and tell in 5th grade, 20 minutes later literally some little fucker stole them. 

Hey... what's in the bowl bitch?
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