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Author Topic: What politcal party am I?  (Read 1207 times)
Dave Gray
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Posts: 30905

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« on: September 20, 2012, 04:09:20 pm »

I think that there is no political party that lines up with me.  I vote Democrat in most cases, because I find the current state of the GOP pretty repugnant.  But I still don't have a party that lines up with my views.

Do you think such a party exists, or can exist?

Moral Issues:
- DRUGS: I think the drug war is stupid.  I think that we're fighting it in completely the wrong way.  I feel drugs are a health issue, not a criminal issue.  Making drugs illegal to use and prosecuting people for it just creates criminals that don't contribute to society.  It also props up a prison industry that is overcrowded and expensive.  I'd legalize soft drugs and only prosecute hard drugs on the dealer end.
- GAY MARRIAGE/PROSTITUTION/SEX LAWS: I think that the government needs to stay out of people's bedrooms and afford everyone the same rights.  I don't like government trying to legislate morality.
- ABORTION: I am pro-choice, but moderately so.  I understand bans on late-term abortions.
- GUNS: I'm a moderate.  I favor some gun restrictions and think that it's an important back-and-forth, but also think that the 2nd amendment is important and shouldn't be needlessly limited.
- AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: While I understand the reason for this, I'd like to see it phased out as America catches up with racial equality.
- DEATH PENALTY: I'm against it as it's a violation of liberty.  And ineffective at prevention.  And expensive.

- SOCIAL SECURITY: I think that the system needs to be completely revamped so that it's deficit neutral, being paid for by the current generation, instead of the future one.  I know it would be an enormous cost, but I think it's one you have to pay to get everything on track.  This may mean ending social security entirely in order to re-create it in a different way.
- MEDICARE: Should cover all citizens.  Essentially, socialized medicine.
- WELFARE: Needs to exist, but that doesn't mean we should be happy with abuses.  I don't have specific ideas, but am definitely open to closing loopholes for those that are abusing the system.
- EDUCATION: We need to invest in our students.  We need an educated workforce.  We also need a generation of non-idiots that can compete in the global economy.  You get what you pay for, and right now, we don't allocate enough towards education and teachers.

- MILITARY: Cut in half.  I feel like I'm completely unrepresented in government with this position.  Our foreign policy of being so big that we're all over the place meddling all the time is bankrupting us and making us less safe.
- TAXES: Cut loopholes, raise taxes.  Progressive tax system, with higher earners paying a higher percentage.  All types of income are taxable.
- SUBSIDIES: I support subsidies, but only in areas that lead to growth or promote industries that need a kick-start.  I think we have a lot of farming subsidies that can be looked at, but I do support things like certain types of energy, telecommunications, etc.
- STIMULUS: I believe in Keynesian economics, where government spending towards infrastructure helps during recession.  However, in order for this to work, the money has to go back into the economy via the working class and we have to be prepared to pay enough taxes so that we can pay it back when times are good.
- VICES: Rather than making vices illegal on moral grounds, tax them -- if we (as a voting block) determine that certain vices put a strain on the system, tax them at a higher rate.  Cigarettes, fast food, prostitution, gambling, soft drugs, etc. -- legal and taxed.

- REGULATION: I support regulation, but understand that sometimes there is overreach or that changes don't have the desired effect or hurt job-creation too much.  I'm in favor of a constant back and forth between these two sides to find balance.

Foreign Policy:
- DEFENSE & FOREIGN AID: As I mentioned before, shrink your military.  Protect yourself, your borders and your allies from direct military threat.  Stop atrocities and provide aid in human rights cases.  It's good policy.  Also, if you want to provide assistance when a group you support is rising up, fine.  But we don't need to be trying to prop up governments all over the place and constantly in states of war.  Do not give credence to any governments formed around religion.
- IMMIGRATION: Believe it or not, immigration is a good thing.  We need the best, smartest, most driven people in our borders.  But we need to make sure that they're coming here the correct way.  There's no point in kicking people out that haven't committed crimes.  It's ineffective and expensive.  But we do need strong borders -- big fence, moat, guards, whatever.  You have to know who is coming in and out of your country.

I drink your milkshake!
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