In all seriousness, Obama now has four more years to make good on the promises he made when he first took office. Last night, he promised to "reach across the political divide" to work with the Republicans to help better this country.
He has actually done a pretty good job there.
To be clear here is how I define keeping or breaking a promise by politicans. They must make an earnest attempt to accomplish the goal.
E.g. If a canidate promises to lower taxes and then proposes in congress legistation to lower taxes and the bill gets voted down and in fact another bill passes that raises taxes but that person votes against the tax increase -- than that person kept their promise even thought the result was the oppose of what they promised.
I hold that standard for both sides of the aisle.
Typically when I have a problem with a politican it is not because he broke his promise it is because I don't want what he promised in the first place.
Most republicans are not upset that Obamacare doesn't go as far as Obama first promised, but that for the most part he kept his promise of universal health care.