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Bay Area Niner-Hater
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2015, 06:48:12 pm » |
YJFF Member
Uber Member
Posts: 22876
Stop your bloodclot cryin'!
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2015, 01:39:21 am » |
The bottom line is this... Josh Gordon KNEW that he wasn't allowed to drink alcohol. He knew he'd be tested, and he knew that if he got caught, he'd get suspended. He had to know that, if he got suspended, his NFL career could come to an abrupt end.
...but he still went out and had a drink.
So, I can only conclude that the guy is a complete moron, or he didn't really care that much about playing in the NFL.
"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend." ~ Micah Leggat