My current bed buddy,she is going on a second interview for today for a part time seasonal "extra help" job over the holidays job.A few of the people she has told talked about some horrible experiences with these type of jobs,and she is having second thoughts (<---
2nd thoughts,about the 2nd interview!
Some people have talked about they were treated,or the crap they dumped on them because they were just
temporary holiday help.Even people who didn't have "bad" experiences say little bit of money really wasn't worth the time off lost,being worn out,etc,etc.
I've worked many temp,short term jobs before,but not specific Holiday/Christmas type retail jobs.I figured it was because of where I'm out,it's just they treat most of their employees like shit,not really just because you were holiday help.
Have you ever worked a "holiday extra help" job? Did you feel they use you for all the shit parts of the job? Did you find the little extra money worth the effort?