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Author Topic: Redskins sign Butt Fumble  (Read 3915 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 3001

« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2018, 01:48:50 pm »


If 32 owners independently concluded that signing him would not benefit the team that is not collusion.  But if the 32 owners discussed that if anyone of them were to sign them it would be detrimental to the league as a whole that is collusion.  There is evidence that such a discussion occurred. 

Interesting read, thanks for providing a link to it.   The article was written in April of 2018 and if the recording does in fact exist, I agree that it would be pretty solid evidence of collusion.  The article goes on to state how if Kap can prove that collusion, he would have a very solid case.  However, I have heard nothing about it other than the article that you provided.  Granted, I don't care enough to be always on the lookout about information regarding the whole thing so maybe there is more out there and I just haven't stumbled across it.  If that recording does exist and it does in fact have audio evidence of owners agreeing not to sign Kap, then I stand corrected and I apologize.  But if it exists, I would think that since April there would have been quite the media firestorm about the recording. 
Uber Member
Posts: 1360

« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2018, 06:19:01 pm »

Interesting read, thanks for providing a link to it.   The article was written in April of 2018 and if the recording does in fact exist, I agree that it would be pretty solid evidence of collusion.  The article goes on to state how if Kap can prove that collusion, he would have a very solid case.  However, I have heard nothing about it other than the article that you provided.  Granted, I don't care enough to be always on the lookout about information regarding the whole thing so maybe there is more out there and I just haven't stumbled across it.  If that recording does exist and it does in fact have audio evidence of owners agreeing not to sign Kap, then I stand corrected and I apologize.  But if it exists, I would think that since April there would have been quite the media firestorm about the recording. 

Kinda like the "evidence" of Russia meddling in the 2016 Presidential Election.   

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