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Author Topic: Shame Of The Game - Jets  (Read 3817 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 2791

« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2021, 04:25:56 pm »

For me, it's Steven Ross.

I can't fully grasp how we have a team that can score a TD on the opening drive most weeks, but score 19 points.  I thought that it might be that we do well with the first 20 plays script that some coaches do.  Or maybe the other team adjusts and then we can't change.

But even in a game we win, I find myself frustrated.  Even the conversation around the game makes me nuts.  People stop me and ask me if I think "Tua is the guy".  And I just don't think any of it matters.  Our owner hires uninspiring coaches, assistants, and GMs -- we run an outdated program.  So, I can't even evaluate Tua because I think don't have confidence in the coordinators, coaching strategy or drafting strategy.  The only solution to purge and start with a completely new culture would likely ruin whatever career Tua has with us anyway.

The fact that we're in the predicament to begin with points me to ownership.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one voting ownership for SOTG. The problems with this team over the last few years starts at the top.

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