Why aren't other teams running this play with the same success?
Umm because it's fucking dangerous? You have the risk of turning your franchise, multi-million dollar quarterback (or others) into paraplegics, quadriplegics, or even dead?
I think the writing was on the wall last season when the Ravens would sub Jackson out for TE Andrews to do this play: a lower paid, lower valued player who would risk/be sacrificed by the suits of the franchise for that. At that stage, you really are just treating these athletes as disposable, human meat for entertainment. This is heading way too close to the stuff of Rollerball - until/unless the NFL get their asses sued off first. If there's one thing you can count on in the USA, the major Corporations and the insurers know
exactly how much a life is actually worth. If they don't when they take the risk with human lives, they do when the lose a court case. It's a game they willingly play, with your lives as collateral damage.
If they are remotely worried about the effect of CTE, concussions and player safety, it just has to stop. Right now. Period.
Or alternatively make the athletes (and their families) know they have signed their rights away to be exactly what I said, human pieces of meat.