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Author Topic: Ronnie Brown to share Dolphins' backfield with Ricky Williams  (Read 5531 times)
« on: April 02, 2008, 02:04:10 pm »


Ronnie Brown to share Dolphins' backfield with Ricky Williams

By Omar Kelly
South Florida Sun-Sentinel

April 2, 2008

PALM BEACH - It looks like the Ricky and Ronnie Express will be making a return trip to South Florida.

Dolphins coach Tony Sparano appears to be a believer in the two-back system the NFL has been moving toward the past couple of seasons, which means Ronnie Brown and Ricky Williams will be asked to share carries this season.

"In our league, you're seeing less and less of that one back, that [one] guy doing it all the time," Sparano said. "I mean you can look around the league and really see that's something that doesn't last very long because of injury, and because of how good the other people are."

Sparano pointed out he needs to learn how Brown, who rushed for 605 yards and averaged 5.1 yards before tearing his anterior cruciate ligament in late October, and Williams, who suffered a season-ending chest injury in the one game he played after returning from his prolonged NFL suspension, complement each other.

In 2005, their one season together in the Dolphins' backfield, Brown rushed for a team-high 907 yards on 207 carries, while Williams gained 743 yards on 168 carries. Williams also led the team with six rushing touchdowns, two more than the rookie Brown.

Sparano is hopeful that Brown is healthy enough to participate in practice when training camp opens in late July. But Sparano won't rush the recovery of Brown's surgically repaired right knee, especially with former Florida State standout Lorenzo Booker, who averaged 4.5 yards on 28 carries and caught 28 passes for 237 yards in his five games, still in the picture.

"Lorenzo is an interesting player, obviously. He's a guy that when you watch, he jumps off the film a little bit," Sparano said. "He's interesting in that he's a guy that you've got to get touches for. You've got to find a way to get Lorenzo the ball a little bit that way. I think there's a role."

Dol-Phan in Dallas
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« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2008, 02:56:20 pm »

I would say that given the uncertainty the Fins have at QB, a starting running back tandem of Rickie and Ronnie could be awesome.  Of course that has a couple of "ifs" in it.  IF Rickie can keep his head on straight and IF he can return to his form of a few years ago.  And IF Ronnie can come back from a bad knee injury to perform at the level that he was starting to show he could perform at.    But hey, given the fact that it is only Apri 2 and a long ways til the season starts, at least the thought gives me something to be excited about for the moment.

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« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2008, 03:09:27 pm »

Yeah if they both stay healthy our strength will be the running game! I just want to see how Booker will contribute into this...
Dave Gray
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« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2008, 03:21:03 pm »

Sweet.  I get to dust off my jersey.

I love you, Ricky. Kiss

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StL FinFan
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« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2008, 03:25:00 pm »

Hopefully, the new regime will give Ricky the structure he needs to thrive.

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« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2008, 06:07:48 pm »

What will be more interesting to see is what happens AFTER this season.

We aren't going to be playoff contenders in 2008.  That's the painful truth.  We're gearing up for a run in 2009.

Will we resign Ricky?  I hope so.  I think he is a crucial piece of the playoff puzzle.


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« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2008, 06:30:38 pm »

ha, 2009?  more like '11
StL FinFan
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« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2008, 07:15:45 pm »

What will be more interesting to see is what happens AFTER this season.

We aren't going to be playoff contenders in 2008.  That's the painful truth.  We're gearing up for a run in 2009.

Will we resign Ricky?  I hope so.  I think he is a crucial piece of the playoff puzzle.

Re-sign Ricky?   Doesn't he still have 2 years on his contract?  Huh

Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
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« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2008, 08:48:02 pm »

ha, 2009?  more like '11
I find it hard to believe that anyone thinks that you can be gearing up for a title run that's 4 years in the future in today's NFL.  The worst teams in the league are a few players from being in the conference championship game (see: '06 NO, '04 ATL, '03 CAR, '01 NE, '99 STL).


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« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2008, 10:27:42 pm »

Run Rickey Run!!  If Ronnie makes a full recovery this may be the best RB Tandom in the NFL with a halfway decent Oline.  They both have great hands too. With a decent Tight end and just 1 deep threat to stretch the field we could really control that clock.

« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2008, 11:28:33 pm »

What will be more interesting to see is what happens AFTER this season.

We aren't going to be playoff contenders in 2008.  That's the painful truth.  We're gearing up for a run in 2009.

Will we resign Ricky?  I hope so.  I think he is a crucial piece of the playoff puzzle.

WHOOAaaa there Kemo Sabe,You're putting the Cart in front of the horse....He's not played a full season since 2003..He played in 12 games in 2005...And one minor slip up of anykind from never seeing an NFL field,unless he buys a ticket....

He'll be 31 when the season starts this season.....Let's take one year at a time....
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« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2008, 02:22:46 am »

I find it hard to believe that anyone thinks that you can be gearing up for a title run that's 4 years in the future in today's NFL.  The worst teams in the league are a few players from being in the conference championship game (see: '06 NO, '04 ATL, '03 CAR, '01 NE, '99 STL).

most teams don't go 1 play away from going completely defeated as well as having the kind of turnover & turmoil we have had the past few years.
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« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2008, 04:40:22 am »



L. Booker

Gonna be one Helluva backfield  Grin Grin Grin

« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2008, 11:34:40 am »

OOOOOOOO YEAH!!!!!   This is EXACTLY what we need to take the pressure off John Beck/Josh McCown/whoever the starting QB is.  Having two proven RB's in the game also allows stronger play by the offense in the 4th quarter.  Had to gravedig this little piece I wrote shortly before Ricky's drug appeal in 2006 before he got suspended for a year, but it pretty much sums up what I think:

Imagine you're a linebacker for the opposing team, playing in Dolphins Stadium in mid-September or October.  It's 92 degrees and the humidity is at 97%.  You've just played through three quarters of grueling football in this suffocating heat.  You're exhausted, dizzy,  cramping up, and have had to take two IVs on the sidelines.   Now it's the 4th quarter and you're back on the field sucking wind.  You desperately need to stop this team in order to get the ball back.  You're way outta gas, in fact, your energy level is down to petro fumes.  But, every time you turn around, one of these two running backs comes plowing into you with the same energy they had in the 1st quarter and you no longer have the strength to bring them down.

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« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2008, 02:11:55 am »

... and IF he can return to his form of a few years ago

Seriously fellers, if Ricky returns to his form of a few years ago, he's essentially unstoppable.  All this jabber about how foreign he is to the field, blah blah blah.  Given a reasonable Offensive line, Rick's gonna blow some major doors.

I find people misunderstanding some of Ricky's comments.  One thing Ricky understands is that "pressurized expectations" deprive us of energies otherwise necessary to play our best.  I've experienced it ... and it's an amazing philosophy to embrace.   Full speed ahead without looking over your shoulder.   Rock on Ricky!

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