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Author Topic: Office Pranks  (Read 3895 times)
« on: April 09, 2008, 04:21:35 pm »

OK I know we have plenty of evil geniuses out there....I need some Ideas for your Best office Pranks,you've heard of,that you've done,or had done to you...

I had a (IMO) would have been a great Office prank,but doing a few trials...It failed miserably...My plan was to to cut the Non dairy Creamer with Cornstarch,that way their Coffee would turn very thick,or even better turn to like a gelatin type matter....Cornstarch would mix well,and be hard to tell it was in there till it was too late....

The Problem was It would TAKE SO much Cornstarch,and I don't think the coffee is hot enough to create the desired reaction.....
Dave Gray
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« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2008, 04:33:00 pm »

My brother had some pretty funny pranks.  My favorite of the ones he told me:

You know those old phone where the receiver is a circle with a screw off cap?  He opened it up his boss's and put a little piece of tuna-fish in it.

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« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2008, 04:42:51 pm »

you can always just brew the coffee with vodka
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2008, 05:01:07 pm »

Hey Tony,I work with a bunch of lawyers...that would get me fired .... Wink

Modified to add..I'm just trying to get off of Coffee duty,Just because I'm the first one in the office,shouldn't mean I have to make the Coffe...I don't drink it,and The people that are that Hard up for it,Buy a coffee on their way in,and Don't drink the Pot coffee till and hour or so after they're at work....
« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 05:07:55 pm by Lil B » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2008, 05:08:39 pm »

A Long time ago a really close friend worked just 2 doors down and he decided to start a prank war.  He would TP my car and so on.  One day I showed up at his job with balloons and a cake and was like "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE!"  4 months before his actual birthday.  All of his co-workers were like "You didn't tell us it was your birthday" and I told them all he hates birthdays so he never mentions them and he would deny it being his birthday.  So the whole day he was denying it being his birthday and his co-workers just kept pushing the issue (annoncing it over loud speakers, helping me sing, etc.).  He finally had to show ID.  I won.

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« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2008, 05:27:24 pm »

Sorry for the length here...I couldn't find the brevity key on my keyboard.

We pulled an office prank at the field station in Berlin that backfired...but before I go into it, any active duty military should definitely NEVER do anything like this. I was in the ASA, pre-INSCOMM, which was as close as the army ever got to being civilian. If you try this in a regular army unit, your ass will be locked up...fast.

We had a first lieutenant (LT Winsell) who served as the night chief for several of the subsystems (think small offices) at the field station. He was a nervous, twitchy type, and he annoyed the hell out of most of us. Some of us non-coms often wondered how he would handle it if there was a "real" emergency, so 5 of us (3 morse ops, myself and an RDF tech) decided to stage world war 3...or at least the opening chapter. We fabricated about a dozen morse transmission logs that showed encrypted communications from a number of soviet and east german units in border garrisons that appeared to be gearing up for field maneuvers. We had RDF (radio direction finding) corroborate the logs, adding in that individual units seemed to be changing positions between transmissions, and in a westerly direction<g>. The last few logs broke down individual soviet SPF unit chatter, with RDF indicating that some were being transmitted from "our" side of the border. The LT was freaking out, but didn't want to do anything crazy up the chain of command, lest it turn into a routine training op and make the LT look like an overreactive putz. After all, RDF was only "so" reliable.

The final clincher was the trunk line. All communications into Berlin in the 80's came in through an underground trunk line. Most scenarios regarding a major conflict in europe at the time started out with the soviets and east germans cutting the trunk line to stop all comms, sealing the city and turning Berlin into the world's largest POW camp. As the next to last fictitious log was being presented to the LT, one of the morse ops (SP4 William Vaughn) came screaming into the room, telling me and the LT that we had to come quick, because there was something wrong with the trunk line (or the o-scope that showed the trunk line signal). When we got in front of the scope, what we saw was the signal stutter twice, and then the screen went totally blank (at which time Vaughn earned his academy award for actually tearing up and saying "oh my god, we're fucked."

The LT had more sweat dripping off him than a sumo wrestler in a sauna. It was all we could do to not break out laughing hysterically right there. He started to say something, stopped, started again, stopped, twitched a couple of times, then in a strained voice, said "I...I can't be here" and walked quickly out of the subsystem. At which point, we DID start laughing. Hell, might've been the hardest I'd laughed in my life to that point.

About 5 minutes later, I told the CQ to track down Lt Winsell, to make sure he hadn't done anything stupid (like tell Col. Pfister that the russians were coming or something). The CQ found him in his office, sitting at his desk with his head in his hands. He didn't answer when the CQ repeatedly called his name, he just raised one hand up in a "not now" gesture.

LT ended up having a slight nervous breakdown, spent almost a week in the hospital, and never again joined us at the field station. We all felt pretty badly about it at the time, and based on my little confessional here, some of us apparently still do.

Careful how far you take the joke, folks...

« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 05:29:20 pm by Sunstroke » Logged

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« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2008, 05:34:38 pm »

Ok, I'll 'fess up to one.  I participated but it was not my idea.  We were keeping some birds in the office and there were 2 office cats so we had to be very careful that the cats stayed out of the room that the birds were in.  One day, we trimmed the wings of the same type of bird, and someone got the idea to play a prank.  We scattered the feathers and some blood  (animal blood left over from doing blood tests) in the cat room to make it look like the cats had gotten the birds.  The office manager freaked out, but she could take a joke and laughed about it later.  The practice owners never found out about it.

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« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2008, 06:08:32 pm »

One time we took various random items off a person's desk; stapler, pictures, personal items, etc. We took them all to the copier and made photo copies of each item and put them in the exact spot on the desk. That person was walking around all day looking for her stuff.
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2008, 08:10:01 pm »

When I worked at Publix when I was a teenager, we used to get on the loudspeaker and make fake announcements.  A few examples:

"Attention Publix shoppers!!!  To the custiomer who lost their 24K Gold Rolex watch, the time is now 1:30 pm."

"Attention Publix shoppers!!!  To the customer who lost their wad of $100 bills wrapped in a rubber band, we have the rubber band at the customer service desk."

"Attention Publix shoppers!!!  To the customer who lost their gold American Express card.  You are now over your credit limit."
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« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2008, 08:12:10 pm »

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« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2008, 08:15:19 pm »

Step 1: Collect everyone's house keys seceretly

Step 2: Fill bowl with water

Step 3: Place keys in bowl with water

Step 4: Place key soup in freezer

Step 5: Serve key ice bowl at the end of the day

Step 6: Laugh
Brian Fein
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« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2008, 09:25:21 pm »

We've done some silly crap, nothing really good though.

- go in on the weekend and rearrange everyone's pictures of their families and kids.

- cover everything on the desk in tin foil

- seal up a cubicle doorway with saran wrap and fill the cibe knee-high with styrofoam peanuts

- place chia-pet seeds inside someones computer keyboard
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2008, 09:31:12 pm »


What in the world does SuperTroopers have to do with fake announcements over the PA in a grocery store???
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« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2008, 10:59:18 pm »

Here's two for you. I'll admit, neither is my idea. The second one is a little messy, but I've always wanted to do it....

The first comes from The Office, and was something Jim said he once did to Dwight. He would unscrew Dwights phone receiver every day (like Tony said) and put a nickel inside. This would gradually increase the weight of the reciever and his body would adjust to the increased weight. Then he takes all the nickels out, and the Dwight ended up hitting himself in the head with the phone, because its so light, and he over compensated for the extra weight.

The second is something I read in Maxim or somewhere once. Take a can of shaving cream. Standard old Barbasol works best. Put it in the freezer overnight. Take it into the office in a paper bag, and hide it in the freezer. At the end of the day, take it out of the freezer, remove the little black stopper thing from the bottom of the can and stick it in someones desk drawer. As the can thaws out, the shaving cream will expand and fill the drawer.

"Lo and behold, the National League East belongs to one team and one city, and that's the City of Brotherly Love, baby," Jimmy Rollins
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« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2008, 12:37:03 am »

What in the world does SuperTroopers have to do with fake announcements over the PA in a grocery store???

Your sense of humour is the mirror of this guy's.  His name is Farva and what he finds funny seems to have the opposite effect on everyone else in the movie.  He's also at his most comical when he has no idea he is being funny...
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