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Author Topic: Why is it okay to exploit a 15 year old girl?  (Read 8556 times)
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2008, 01:58:53 am »

I'm kinda torn on this. Obviously, here, we have a picture which claims to be art. But is it art? Eh, probably not. I  would have some difficulty in seeing how this appeals to anything besides the prurient interest. Then again, I'm sure some people, quite truthfully in their own minds, would call this photo artistic. They'd have historical precedent too, as nude young women have been used in art since time immemorial. Hell, Romeo and Juliet features the romantic and sexual misadventures of a couple younger than Ms Cyrus.

I don't know. In our society, the puritanism of our fathers never seems to come up with a good way to deal with this type of 'art.' Then again, the lasciviousness of the modern age hasn't come up with any good ways of dealing with it either.
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« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2008, 04:16:40 am »

Considering that she's not all that talented, yet she's a multi-millionaire, I think that the general public are the ones who're being exploited.

It's hard for me to be upset with this.  I'd not let my daughter do it, but she's not nude.  Almost nude and nude are different ends of the spectrum.  It's suggestive, though.  Probably not a smart career decision either.

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« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2008, 07:15:26 am »

I think people are being INCREDIBLY HYPOCRITICAL here.

First of all: Comparing looking at "sexy" photos of someone 15+ (the photos in question here) and sexually exploiting young teens (like in "To Catch a Predator") is moronic. The two have nothing in common. It's also very clear that one is illegal, the other is not.

Second of all: I don't know of ANY guys in their 20s or 30s who don't look "appreciatively" at attractive girls around that age (15). Keep telling yourself, or most importantly your wife/gf that you don't, fine, but don't be an ass about it publicly.

I'm apparently against public opinion here (at least the VOCAL public opinion), but I consider "sex" on TV (or other "public" forums) to be much more acceptable than violence. Yet a group like the Parents Television Council will go off completely if a show that could be watched by a minor even hints at anything sexual, while beatings and racism are not only tolerated, but completely accepted.

OK, so maybe I'm going off on a tangent there... trying to reign it back on topic...

Consider the age of consent around the US (or the world for that matter). It may be 18 in Florida, but in MOST states it's 16 (and then there's South Carolina with their constitutionally provided age of consent for females set at 14). All the moral outrage at this is pathetic. More harm has been done in the name of "protecting our children" than anything else.

Personally, I find it disgusting when some old billionaire runs around with an 18-year-old. It may be legal, and I believe it should be, but I still find it disgusting, like I do many things that are legal. Disagreeing with something doesn't mean I should impose my morality or beliefs on others. I won't tolerate my child swearing - and he won't be seeing violent TV shows or any that have excessive cursing - but that doesn't mean I believe these shows shouldn't be shown (or restricted in ANY way).

I'm sick and tired of everyone trying to impose their beliefs on society in general (and me in particular). I may share some, or even many, of those beliefs, but give a f'n rest, will you?

Yeah, I know, I went right back off on my previous tangent... I have a "slight" tendency to rant ;-)

Age of consent in the US: http://www.coolnurse.com/consent.htm
Age of consent in the World: http://www.avert.org/aofconsent.htm

A discussion of South Carolina's age of consent: http://www.topix.com/forum/state/sc/TK14RN34GS5OCRHL1

Without actually taking sides, just looking at the comments in the forum linked above makes me want to puke. "It's psychologically damaging [for young women] to have sex". Equating sex with becoming a parent (hello? what are you, stupid?). "If the law says it's OK, how is a parent to tell a child otherwise?". HELLO?! ARE YOU A F'N MORON? You are the parent! You have the responsibility (and hopefully the ability) to influence your child's behavior. Just because smoking is (was) legal for children, doesn't (didn't) make it OK and it's your job as a parent to teach your kid. Same goes for just generally being an ass. That's not against the law either, so we (as parents) can't tell and teach our kids otherwise?!

OK, I'm going to stop before I go critical and suffer a complete meltdown here.
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« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2008, 08:19:55 am »

i'd hit it!
I second that.......

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« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2008, 09:00:10 am »

First of all: Comparing looking at "sexy" photos of someone 15+ (the photos in question here) and sexually exploiting young teens (like in "To Catch a Predator") is moronic. The two have nothing in common.

Or perhaps having to have a point drawn for you in crayon in moronic?  The general public has an out cry when a man in his (as you say) 20's and 30's finds a 15 year old or 16 year old attractive.  They set up TV shows to catch them trying to get with one of them.  People wonder why a grown man is attracted to a young woman.  And, yet, that same society condones a 15 year old girl posing in a sexual seductive / semi nude way.  Who is buying those magazines?  Miley Cyrus' core fans of 12 year old girls?  Or the same 30 year olds that aren't supposed to be drawn to her in the first place? I guess it's the forbidden fruit, right?  The guy is allowed to jerk off to her images in the comfort of his own home?  That's okay as long as he doesn't act on it?

And people wonder why we hear stories like Mindy McCready having a 10 year affair with Roger Clemens that started when she was 15.  Weird.

Clear enough for you now?  Clouds breaking over head?  I was making a point, which was completely lost on you.  Thanks for calling me a moron, though.  That was classy of you.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 09:02:14 am by MaineDolFan » Logged

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« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2008, 09:23:41 am »

A dress on the red carpet shows as much skin as this photo. The one with her father is creepy as they look romantic in nature. I wouldn't allow my 15 year old daughter to do this, but I don't think she was exploited.
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« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2008, 09:31:31 am »

Thanks for calling me a moron, though.  That was classy of you.

I didn't call you a moron. I purposely did not quote anyone, because my post was directed at the general nature of the replies here, as well as the general response you hear in the media.

And people wonder why we hear stories like Mindy McCready having a 10 year affair with Roger Clemens that started when she was 15.  Weird.

With the exception of the weird (and contradictory) South Carolina laws, which I don't know enough about to comment on in detail, 15 is too young and not legal in the US (it would be in e.g. France, though). However, if the girl were 16, then it would be completely legal in most states, yet I have a feeling you'd be almost as outraged at that. This is clearly an assumption on my part and I apologize if it's an unwarranted one.

The general public has an out cry when a man in his (as you say) 20's and 30's finds a 15 year old or 16 year old attractive.  They set up TV shows to catch them trying to get with one of them.

I'm assuming the shows are taped in one of the (minority) states where the age of consent is above 16, otherwise the latter part of your premise would be perfectly legal.

I have no problem with society drawing the line at nudity (although in a philosophical sense I find it annoyingly puritanical) and mandating that photos showing nudity require the participants to be above a certain age. 18 seems to be a sensible limit (but still a purely arbitrary one, dictated by the current state of society's "morals") and I believe that's what it is in most (if not all) of "the West".

I have one very strong belief above all others and that is people should be free to do whatever the heck they want, as long as it doesn't prevent anyone else from doing what THEY want (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness).

Basically, whatever you want to do in private, that's your business and society should have NO say in it (providing no one else gets hurt). Society shouldn't be able to outlaw sodomy, homosexuality or smoking, for that matter, in the privacy of ones home. You or I may consider some of these things to be sick (or maybe not), but we should have no right to impose our beliefs on others.

Now, there are two important points I'd like to make:

- Fantasy is not reality. Don't confuse the two.
- Child pornography HURTS children.

On point #2... although I'm generally not in favor of the death penalty (mostly because of the risk of executing someone innocent), I would have no problem instituting the harshest penalty available on child molesters.

That aside, I do feel there's a strong tendency in society to consider fantasy/fiction the same as reality. Violence in games in not real violence. I have no problem with kids killing each other in a game, while I have a huge problem with any kind of violence in real life.

The portrayal of one in no way condones the other.

The guy is allowed to jerk off to her images in the comfort of his own home?

I'm not sure what you're referencing. If it's child pornography, no, possession is and should be illegal (and the people behind the child molestation should be drawn and quartered, which, if you read up on it, doesn't sound at all pleasant). If it's a legal picture of something, I don't really care what it is. I may find it disgusting, but it's none of my business and none of society's business. We can't and we shouldn't punish people before they commit an offense, so in that sense, yes, it is okay as long as he doesn't act on it. I may find it absolutely repulsive, but that doesn't mean I should be able to make it illegal.
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« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2008, 09:37:42 am »

A dress on the red carpet shows as much skin as this photo. The one with her father is creepy as they look romantic in nature. I wouldn't allow my 15 year old daughter to do this, but I don't think she was exploited.

Exploitation covers a whole range of things. I have only seen the one photo and I have no problem with it. I probably wouldn't want my daughter to do something like that, regardless of her age (I don't have a daughter yet, but I do hope to one day).

Child exploitation is unfortunately very prevalent. Just look at just about any child actor or even many pro athletes. You don't get to be a world class gymnast, for example, without be relentlessly pushed by your parents and you will almost certainly suffer for it mentally for the rest of your life. For some reason, football doesn't seem as conductive to this as other sports, although it still does happen.

It's notable that word "exploit" stems from a French word meaning "achievement" (which exploit can still mean today).
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« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2008, 09:38:55 am »

Age of consent is a slippery slope. In Florida I know the age also depends on the age of the other party. For example, I believe 18 is the age of consent for anyone, but a 19 year old male cannot be tried for statutory rape for having sex with a 16 year old girlfriend from my understanding. The difference in age is taken into accout in FL I believe.
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« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2008, 09:42:14 am »

Age of consent is a slippery slope. In Florida I know the age also depends on the age of the other party. For example, I believe 18 is the age of consent for anyone, but a 19 year old male cannot be tried for statutory rape for having sex with a 16 year old girlfriend from my understanding. The difference in age is taken into accout in FL I believe.

You are correct. The ages I listed are ages of consent *without* age limits. Some countries do have special laws governing adults in a position of authority over the minor (such as a student-teacher relationship), but I'm unaware how those laws vary from state to state.
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2008, 09:56:55 am »

With the exception of the weird (and contradictory) South Carolina laws, which I don't know enough about to comment on in detail, 15 is too young and not legal in the US (it would be in e.g. France, though).

There's a reason why those laws are contradictory. The age of consent in SC is written in to our constitution. And it's 14. I'm not kidding.

S.C. CONST Art. III, § 33

No unmarried woman shall legally consent to sexual intercourse who shall not have attained the age of fourteen years. (1999 Act No. 3, § 1, eff February 16, 1999)

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« Reply #26 on: April 29, 2008, 11:40:17 am »

Most of the episodes I have seen have been recorded in California. Would be a little hard to nail someone in SC when they can start copulating after graduating jr high.
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