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Author Topic: An interesting tidbit  (Read 2460 times)
« on: April 30, 2008, 06:48:36 am »

From Barry Jackson in today's Miami Herald. 



Bill Parcells' presence in the weight room has been intimidating for some players. Channing Crowder said Parcells joked, 'I had heart surgery and I still run faster than you.'
Dolphins waive 2, bring in rookies
What do Dolphins players think after the first few weeks around the new regime? Some of their observations:

• Even in his executive role, Bill Parcells is making his presence felt during the offseason conditioning program. Parcells often walks around the weight room while the players work out, ''and you know when he comes because everybody stands up erect,'' former 49ers guard Justin Smiley said. ``If they're slouching, they get up and everybody is doing something.

'He gives everybody a hard time, makes little comments. He kind of looks me up and down, like, `Are you working hard?' He doesn't say anything, but you know what he's thinking. But deep down, you know if you're here, you're one of his guys.''

Channing Crowder said Parcells joked, ' `I had heart surgery and I still run faster than you.' '' Parcells' presence initially surprised players. ''For him to be that high on the totem poll, you wouldn't expect that,'' Crowder said.

Receiver Greg Camarillo said of Parcells' and coach Tony Sparano's weight-room visits: ``It's slightly nerve-racking knowing they're watching every step.''

• Players said the offseason conditioning program, more grueling than last year's, will reap benefits. ''It will give us an edge early in the season when teams come here and get a little tired and we're running circles around them,'' Smiley said. ``That gets me excited just thinking about that. We won't be tired.''

Why? ''A lot of teams do three 300-yard shuttles when they bring the players back as a conditioning test, with a two-minute break in between,'' Smiley explained. 'We're running those every day of the week. Guys are like, `Man, we're running hard.' It's the toughest offseason program I've been in.''

Crowder said there's a lot more power-lifting and ``guys will come in shape and not use camp to get in shape.''

• Players said the mentality and atmosphere have changed because of the new regime and new ''guys like [ex-Cowboy] Jason Ferguson, who have won a lot of games,'' Vernon Carey said. ``We [had] to change the mind-set of losing . . . Now we have fresh guys with a different mind-set.''

Crowder said, ''At first, everybody was kind of on edge because of the changes. Now, there's more excitement and everybody is more motivated. People are competing now and trying to better each other. Before, it was lackluster and cruising through it.'' Jason Allen concurred, saying, ``Guys are not settling for being mediocre. [That message] comes from the top on down.''• There is a fear of consequences, too. ''You are not going to do anything [wrong] because you know [Parcells] is a hard-nosed guy,'' Crowder said. ``And Sparano is a no-nonsense guy. You don't want to be the guy they make an example out of.''

• John Beck said he didn't perceive the Dolphins' drafting of Chad Henne as a lack of faith in him. ''I'm not taking offense to them bringing in another quarterback,'' said Beck, joined by the aforementioned players Tuesday at a fishing clinic for children. ``I'm working my tail off. The best guy will play. If they didn't want me to compete, they wouldn't have me here.''

This reflects very badly on Cam Cameron, especially considering how guys were sucking wind in the fourth quarter of the first two games. 
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« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2008, 09:12:35 am »

This speaks well for the change in culture around the 2008 dolphins. I don't think we'll see Joey Porter doing any mouthing off this year.

A loyal fan of the 'fins since the time of Joe Auer, Dick Wood, and Wahoo McDaniel.
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Stop your bloodclot cryin'!

« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2008, 09:49:54 am »

I really wish some of you would stop using "says nothing" subject lines for your threads, like "an intersting tidbit." Be a little descriptive, so folks know what they're clicking into...


"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend."
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« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2008, 03:09:45 am »

They're picking on you again Tommy.  A little suspense once in a while ain't so bad  Wink

Thanks for the article.  This looks like GOOD coaching, WTF is up with that?   Huh
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