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Author Topic: What's the better defensive scheme to use 4-3 or 3-4  (Read 5939 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 1311

3rd Infantry Division Veteran

« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2008, 09:37:20 pm »

Personally, I liked it when the Dolphins used the 4-5 defense against Buffalo in 1992, which is what we used when I was in high school. 

Five defensive backs and only two linebackers.  Even though I was listed as an outside linebacker, I was a roving linebacker who would shadow the running back.  I could line up in several different spots depending on the type of play that was called.  The other linebacker pretty much blitzed on every play.

Reminds me of what my HS football team ran.  They did the 4-4 , 3-5-3, 4-6 bear set which was confusing  but effective. 

« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2008, 05:58:31 pm »

Uber Member
Posts: 3538

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« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2008, 10:56:17 pm »

Depends on who you're playing.   You don't see many true "3-4" defenses anymore because there are so many pass rushing linebackers.  The NFL goes through this every so many years. 

In the 1980's nearly everybody not named Chicago Bears or Washington Redskins was running some version of the 3-4.  This alignment requires bigger linebackers (this is a generality) and the defensive ends are usually more like wide side tackles 300lbs and better against the run.  A solid Nosetackle is also a key ingredient.

Then the 90's hit and with the exception of Pittsburgh and Carolina everybody ran a 4-3.  There's so many versions of this largely because the 4-3 has been around since the 1950's.  Who invented the 3-4?  If you say Bum Phillips you get half credit.  Bill Arnsparger. 

The 4-3 variations come from generally speaking how you line up your linebackers.  It's more versatile, your DE's can be just about anything but you better have two decent defensive tackles. 

Hey... what's in the bowl bitch?
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