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Author Topic: Judge rules Duke football stinks  (Read 2183 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 1088

« on: June 21, 2008, 09:25:53 pm »


Judge: Duke football indeed stinksFor once, Duke was so bad on the football field that it won.

The News & Observer reported that the school avoided paying the University of Louisville $450,000 for opting out of three football games. Duke lawyers essentially had argued that the Blue Devils were so bad any Division I team could have replaced them on the Cardinals' schedule.

Louisville's breach of contract suit, filed in Franklin County (Ky.) Circuit Court, was dismissed by Judge Phillip J. Shepherd on Thursday. The contract had called for a penalty of $150,000 per game to be assessed if a date with a "team of similar stature" could not be scheduled in the event of a cancellation.

According to the Louisville Courier-Journal, the judge's summary included the following:

"At oral argument, Duke (with a candor perhaps more attributable to good legal strategy than to institutional modesty) persuasively asserted that this is a threshold that could not be any lower."

Duke has gone 13-90 over the last nine seasons and beat only Northwestern en route to a 1-11 mark and winless ACC campaign last year.

The teams, which played in 2002, were slated to face each other last season, this season and in 2009. Louisville played nonconference games last season against Championship Subdivision Murray State, Middle Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina State and Syracuse.

Source: The News & Observer


John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, and whom ever shall believe in Him shall not die but have everlasting life.
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