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Author Topic: Would you favor a casino ?  (Read 6437 times)
Global Moderator
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« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2008, 04:17:18 pm »

Its a known fact that the surrounding area around any Casino turns to serious shit after gambling is introduced. The Life style around these places is rough.  But like someone else said........its a free Country. However it needs to be seriously regulated. Keep it in areas far away from communities.  Corruption is also wide spread because of all the Cash , there needs to be a tight reign on it. Keep the Prostitution, Drug usage and other fun activities down and it could be a great thing.

That is known SPECULATION. This has been the reason for strip clubs having such a bad rap, but did anyone think strip clubs are usually located in shit areas anyway. I am not sure about the Hard Rock in West Palm (is that where it is), but there are no issues around the Tampa one. Like I said earlier, it looks like any other hotel.
Uber Member
Posts: 4406

« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2008, 04:19:45 pm »

Hey what ever bro.  Your a person that goes to these places and I'm a guy who WORKS them. But you know it all right?  Wink

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Posts: 15730

« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2008, 04:21:31 pm »

Do you have casinos in your town? Two of us have said there are no issues in our area.
Dave Gray
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« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2008, 04:27:33 pm »

The Hard Rock down here is great.  It's a much nicer establishment that many other areas, and it comes with a nice downtown with lots of clubs and restaurants. 

We just got blackjack here, too.

I think that whenever you get that many people gathered in one place, you're bound to have fights and stuff.  But it's not a scummy neighborhood.  If anything, it brings out well dressed people, looking to spend money and have a fun night...not riff-raff.

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« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2008, 04:33:01 pm »

We do have them and I love them for the Job security they offer us. For the most part places on the West coast and South Florida are reasonable run well. I didn't say it couldn't be done, but the possibility for corruption in places like this is enormous if you don't keep a tight reign on it.   

YJFF Member
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« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2008, 05:14:27 pm »

I went to O'haras casino in New Orleans and it was very clean and seemed quite safe. Most of the people I saw there were either super old or really well dressed. I think casinos are a good thing for a state and as far as seedy types showing up, that happens everywhere. When I worked at a nightclub we had the nice upscale people there to drink and have fun, but a lot of ganster douchebags would come too to pick up girls and not spend so much money.  Undecided Anyways my point was there would always be fights in every group. I would throw out gangsters, preppies, and even 30 something professionals. So IMO any place where people congregate and drink alcohol attract seedy people, so if a club or bar can open in a community area or close to it, it's wrong for them to try and stop a casino being built there.

AK-47. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes.
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2008, 05:57:06 pm »

I'm in favor of casinos as well.  I gamble very carefully, but I would still go every so often for the atmosphere. 

Casinos would work wonders for the State of Florida's economy right now. 
Uber Member
Posts: 1088

« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2008, 06:10:34 pm »

Its a known fact that the surrounding area around any Casino turns to serious shit after gambling is introduced. The Life style around these places is rough.  But like someone else said........its a free Country. However it needs to be seriously regulated. Keep it in areas far away from communities.  Corruption is also wide spread because of all the Cash , there needs to be a tight reign on it. Keep the Prostitution, Drug usage and other fun activities down and it could be a great thing.
I guess that would be a plus for the Casino they want in Maine it's issolated and nothing even close to it. The Native American's want to build it on thie tribal land, I might be wrong and if I am I know Maine will correct me.

John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, and whom ever shall believe in Him shall not die but have everlasting life.
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2008, 11:02:33 pm »

We have "Riverboat Casinos" here and they have brought in a lot of money for the local area.  A portion of it is earmarked for schools.  There are loss limits in place also.  I don't care to gamble myself, but for most it seems to be a form of entertainment.  I think the posititves outweigh the negatives.
***hijack **
I'm not sure if you knew this....
Not if Proposition A passes November 4th...The loss limit is where no one can buy more than $500 worth of chips in less than 2 hours....Prop A will Take away the Loss limit,and Limit the Number of Casinos to Ones already built,or in the process of being Built....
From Ballotpedia.org?
According to the official fiscal impact estimate prepared by the State Auditor:

"State governmental entities will receive an estimated $105.1 million to $130 million annually for elementary and secondary education and $5 million to $7 million annually for higher education, early childhood development, veterans, and other programs. Local governmental entities receiving gambling tax and fee revenue will receive an estimated $18.1 million to $19 million annually.:[5]
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education released a study in early October saying that if Proposition A passes, it will not provide funding for Missouri's largest school districts, and about one-quarter of Missouri's public school students attend class in districts that are projected to get nothing next year from the ballot measure.

School districts in St. Louis and Kansas City, suburban districts such as Independence and Parkway, and many smaller school systems such as Craig, Norborne and the Delta district of Pemiscot County are on the list projected by the education department to receive no funds.[6]

***end hijack****

This is one where I'm not sure about,I don't gamble,and most of the casinos (except down in Seneca Mo.) are too far for them to be worth me going to if I did....Rockaway Beach Mo. Near Branson, a few years ago wanted to Build one (One of Brett Farves Brothers? was a big investor or something,and was on the news constantly pushing for it  Huh) They tried to get the "Have to be Riverboats " part of the removed,or get some type of exemption...It's former Touristy area,back in the 50's and 60's ,and Ever since it's been a ghost town.The way they talked,just the one casino would be able to employ the whole town,and jump start alot of other business'....So I see both sides...I feel it depends on how the money is divided to certain school districts if it would be worth it or not.....
Uber Member
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« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2008, 11:04:34 pm »

My state is owned by casinos.  Our governor pushed to block "non-tribal" gambling to prevent competition and then accepted hundred$ of thousand$ in payoffs from casinos.  We're the only state in the union that has gambling but does not financially benefit from it.

Our state has over a $3,000,000,000 (billion) deficit and opening up casino ownership to anyone would have covered at least 10% of that.  

"Build it on tribal land" you say?  Sure, they start out that way.  Then any piece of property they buy becomes tribal land via a "trust" and soon casinos are anywhere.  

The casinos are always pushed as a great equalizer for the tribe.  In addition to supplying jobs, they'll have money for infrastructure, scholarships, etc, etc, etc.  However, due to corruption of the elders they rarely work out that way.

Casino's in your area?  No big deal - just be aware that you might be going down a very slippery slope.

Hypersensitive bullies should not frequent message boards.
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« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2008, 01:11:24 am »

Its a known fact that the surrounding area around any Casino turns to serious shit after gambling is introduced. The Life style around these places is rough.  But like someone else said........its a free Country. However it needs to be seriously regulated. Keep it in areas far away from communities.  Corruption is also wide spread because of all the Cash , there needs to be a tight reign on it. Keep the Prostitution, Drug usage and other fun activities down and it could be a great thing.

HAHA, actually you are wrong again. The areas around our casinos, which happen to be on idian land, are clean and full of brand new houses built for the indians by indians, and they have their own medical facilities too. The casinos have gone a long way to bring up the indians here and try and break the cycle of poverty and drugs they were caught in.
But hey I only LIVE and WORKED around them, what do I know since I do not wear a badge. Just an idea, but try and take that chip of your shoulder and drop the defensive front you have built up as a result of your job before you log on here, as it would help the tone of your posts quite a bit. You do bring some good insight and ideas sometimes but they get lost in the outright hostility and condecending tone of your posts.
Contrary to your beliefs there is not a liberal plot to run you, RTW , and Frimp off the board. If there is, I did not get the memo
Uber Member
Uber Member
Posts: 4111

« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2008, 12:06:35 pm »

HAHA, actually you are wrong again. The areas around our casinos, which happen to be on idian land, are clean and full of brand new houses built for the indians by indians, and they have their own medical facilities too. The casinos have gone a long way to bring up the indians here and try and break the cycle of poverty and drugs they were caught in.
Our Indians Native Americans Casino Americans First Americans could learn a lot from your "Indians Native Americans Casino Americans First Americans.

You do bring some good insight and ideas sometimes but they get lost in the outright hostility and condecending tone of your posts.
I'll skip the applicable but tired pot-kettle retorts and just say, seriously now, who DOESN'T this apply to in the off-topic form?  Only a couple of fairer sex members come to mind.

Hypersensitive bullies should not frequent message boards.
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