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Author Topic: Panel finds Palin abused her power  (Read 15017 times)
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« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2008, 03:41:58 am »

The police are there to protect and serve. This piece of shit tasered a 10 year old, and threatened to kill family members. If it had been anyone outside Palins family, this would be a non issue.
I'm guessing you haven't done any research on why he tasered the kid.  Such a detail is certainly irrelevant, right?  Especially the part where the kid asked to be tasered because he wanted to see what it felt like.

One day -- maybe a year or two before the investigation -- Wooten showed his stepson his Taser. He had just been to Taser instructor school. Wooten told Sgt. Wall that the boy was fascinated and pleaded to be tased.

"So we went in our living room and I had him get down on his knees so he wouldn't fall. And I taped the probes to him and turned the Taser on for like a second, turned it off. He thought that was the greatest thing in the world, wanted to do it again," Wooten told the investigator. The boy flinched but nothing more, he said. The boy was about 11 at the time.

In his interview with troopers, the stepson said it hurt for about a second, according to Wall's report. The boy said he wanted to be tased to show his cousin, Palin's daughter Bristol, that he wasn't a mama's boy. The probe left a welt on his arm, he said. His mother was upstairs yelling at them not to do it, the boy said.
But don't let facts get in the way!  He is obviously a piece of sh*t, and clearly his actions were no different than when an officer shoots a detainee with the taser barbs to subdue them.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 03:43:57 am by Spider-Dan » Logged

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« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2008, 04:57:07 am »

The police are there to protect and serve. This piece of shit tasered a 10 year old, and threatened to kill family members. If it had been anyone outside Palins family, this would be a non issue.

But, don't let the facts get in the way. Go right ahead, and defend the cop and his boss who Palin got fired because the boss would not fire that piece of shit.

That guy is lucky that his ex wife didn't use her second ammendment rights.

This story strikes a nerve with me personally.

Frimp I do not see how anyone can defend her on this. This investigation started over 3 weeks before she was picked, so it was not an attempt to slam McCain. Also the trooper's punishement was decided in 2005 before she became govenor, and both she and her husband used the govenor's office to go after this man, and then the guy they fired had nothing to do with the troopers punishment as he was not hired until after Palin got elected.
This shows a serious character flaw, and a serious lack of judgement besides the abuse of her position.
CF DolFan
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« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2008, 06:57:04 am »

I'm guessing you haven't done any research on why he tasered the kid.  Such a detail is certainly irrelevant, right?  Especially the part where the kid asked to be tasered because he wanted to see what it felt like.

You are kidding right?  I would have to wonder if someone hijacked your pc.  Thank God he didn't ask for sex, drugs and a chance to rub someone out.

I'm one the fence about the abuse thing because most of the evidence I have seen has shown her not to have abused it but I do realize there are two stories. Oh and BTW ... she isn't exactly loved by many of the crooked Republicans in her state so many would see an opportnity to "get" her and just might take it.  I will wait to reserve judgement. Either way ... the guy should have lost his job.  He was even a trainer and knew the risks of doing it to a kid. But again agiain... the tasering isn't the issue. The issue was whether she fired a guy for not firing him.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 07:02:02 am by CF DolFan » Logged

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2008, 07:32:27 am »

This shows a serious character flaw, and a serious lack of judgement besides the abuse of her position.

And also a serious lack of judgment on the part of McCain.... as well as failure to perform due dilligence when deciding on a running mate. 
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2008, 08:56:20 am »

I'm guessing you haven't done any research on why he tasered the kid.  Such a detail is certainly irrelevant, right?  Especially the part where the kid asked to be tasered because he wanted to see what it felt like.
  So that is justification to you?  The kid ask for it?   Dang, your judgment must be as off as this guys.  Try being an adult & telling the kid "No"

My kids ask for a ton of things, I deem they do not need.  Just because kid ask for something does not mean as a adult you give it to them.  Especially something like being tasered.  I guess this is an example of what is wrong with a majority of kids today.  Adults not saying "No"

But don't let facts get in the way!  He is obviously a piece of sh*t, and clearly his actions were no different than when an officer shoots a detainee with the taser barbs to subdue them.
So, what are the fact as to why he tasered his stepson?   Did the kid simply ask him to do it?  If so, then he is a freakin dumbarse & someone with that questionable judgment should not be running around time with a gun.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 08:59:01 am by Dphins4me » Logged
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2008, 09:02:38 am »

And also a serious lack of judgment on the part of McCain.... as well as failure to perform due dilligence when deciding on a running mate. 
   You are not going to find a politician that is 100% clean.   While she might have made a mistake on this, its nothing in questioning her judgment. 

For her to want him fired for this guys actions is not a questionable judgment.  The way she did it might can come into question, but the fact she wanted him fired cannot be.  This guy obviously should not be a cop.

Dave Gray
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« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2008, 09:09:58 am »

For her to want him fired for this guys actions is not a questionable judgment.  The way she did it might can come into question, but the fact she wanted him fired cannot be.  This guy obviously should not be a cop.

I don't really care too much about this issue, but I think that you're missing the point of the whole investigation.

It seems that she wanted this guy fired because of personal reasons.  He was probably a douchebag, so she was able to make it happen.  ...but that her motives might've been personal, and she abused her power in doing so.

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« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2008, 09:22:09 am »

I don't really care too much about this issue, but I think that you're missing the point of the whole investigation.

It seems that she wanted this guy fired because of personal reasons.  He was probably a douchebag, so she was able to make it happen.  ...but that her motives might've been personal, and she abused her power in doing so.
  I may be missing the point to a degree.   I'm sure personal reason came into play.  However, the fact he tasered a 10 Yr old because the kid ask for it is grounds for firing IMO.

The fact is there is not one politician that has not abused his/her power at some point for personal gain..
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 10:21:18 am by Dphins4me » Logged
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« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2008, 01:20:24 pm »

Finding Number Two

I find that, although Walt Monegan’s refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety. In spite of that, Governor Palin’s firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.


Hypersensitive bullies should not frequent message boards.
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2008, 01:31:55 pm »

There is not a politician alive that has not had someone fired because of personal reasons,heck,the Clintons had people KILLED and still managed to get elected....
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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2008, 02:24:06 pm »

My friends, I have a disturbing confession to make.  It has haunted me for many years, but I hope that by finally telling the truth, I can start the process of atonement.

When my little brother was only 6 years old, I shot him, execution-style, in the back of the head.

OK, it was with a Super Soaker.  And he ran away laughing.  But that does not excuse this heinous act.

What kind of morally bankrupt scum would shoot an innocent child in the head?  One can hardly conceive of a act so vile.  Hopefully, one day, I can pay my debt to society and rejoin civilization as a productive and morally centered human.


Saying that Wooten "tasered his son" is exactly as accurate (and in the same sense) as my statement that I "shot my brother".  If you seriously believe that this is a legitimate reason to fire someone from his job, and that it has nothing to do with messy divorce and custody battle with the governor's sister, I have some fine oceanfront property in Nebraska that you may be interested in.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 02:27:48 pm by Spider-Dan » Logged

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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2008, 02:41:03 pm »

Finding Number Two

I find that, although Walt Monegan’s refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety. In spite of that, Governor Palin’s firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.
Hey, what was Finding Number One, again?  Normally, Finding Number Two comes after Number One.

« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2008, 02:48:21 pm »

My friends, I have a disturbing confession to make.  It has haunted me for many years, but I hope that by finally telling the truth, I can start the process of atonement.

When my little brother was only 6 years old, I shot him, execution-style, in the back of the head.

OK, it was with a Super Soaker.  And he ran away laughing.  But that does not excuse this heinous act.

What kind of morally bankrupt scum would shoot an innocent child in the head?  One can hardly conceive of a act so vile.  Hopefully, one day, I can pay my debt to society and rejoin civilization as a productive and morally centered human.

LMFAO!!!!!  I just spit Peroni all over my monitor!!!!!
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« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2008, 03:19:50 pm »

Hey, what was Finding Number One, again?  Normally, Finding Number Two comes after Number One.

That she abused her power. 

There are two rules for success:
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« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2008, 03:21:26 pm »

I didn't follow this story very closely. As someone pointed out, the cop had been prviously punished and the acts took place before Palin or the guy she fired were in their current positions. It seems clear to me that if these are facts, there was nothing but personal issues for Palin's actions. If these acts took place later than that, you have cause though.
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