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Author Topic: Excitement in my neighborhood  (Read 1424 times)
Global Moderator
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Posts: 15723

« on: October 14, 2008, 09:23:33 am »

Yesterday afternoon two vans entered my neighborhood at a high rate of speed. It turns out the front van was stolen and the pursuing van was the owner's husband with a gun. My neighborhood has only one entrance and exit so the guy had no clue where he was going when he turned in here. He took off on foot trying to find an escape path and the owner called the cops who sealed off the neighborhood. My immediate next door neighbor had no idea what was going on and actually let the guy into her house (number one how stupid is it to let a stranger into your house when you are a single female home alone). Apparently he just got a glass of water and used her phone to call a cab. By this time the police had shown up and blocked off the neighborhood. At this point the guy walks back outside and into my yard where I am talking with three friends. I think he was hoping we would harbor him and he was making up some story about how there was a fight and he didn't want any part of it and was just waiting for his cab to come (the cops stopped the cab driver and made him sit there). One guy gave him a cigar and we told him to beat it. He walked down the street, we pointed him out and the cops took him down.

The strange part of the thing is one of my neighbors down the street told the cops they saw the man enter the house next door, but they made no moves. They held their position until he walked down the street to them.
CF DolFan
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Posts: 17294

« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2008, 09:26:26 am »

Yesterday afternoon two vans entered my neighborhood at a high rate of speed. It turns out the front van was stolen and the pursuing van was the owner's husband with a gun. My neighborhood has only one entrance and exit so the guy had no clue where he was going when he turned in here. He took off on foot trying to find an escape path and the owner called the cops who sealed off the neighborhood. My immediate next door neighbor had no idea what was going on and actually let the guy into her house (number one how stupid is it to let a stranger into your house when you are a single female home alone). Apparently he just got a glass of water and used her phone to call a cab. By this time the police had shown up and blocked off the neighborhood. At this point the guy walks back outside and into my yard where I am talking with three friends. I think he was hoping we would harbor him and he was making up some story about how there was a fight and he didn't want any part of it and was just waiting for his cab to come (the cops stopped the cab driver and made him sit there). One guy gave him a cigar and we told him to beat it. He walked down the street, we pointed him out and the cops took him down.

The strange part of the thing is one of my neighbors down the street told the cops they saw the man enter the house next door, but they made no moves. They held their position until he walked down the street to them.

Wow.  Glad everything turned out OK.  I wonder why Longwood's finest would wait to make a move since someone could have been in danger inside the house?

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2008, 10:36:41 am »

Sounds like my neighborhood,glad to hear you're ok.... Cheesy

A couple years ago....I heard Glass breaking I ran around the outside of my house,checking my house,and trucks..My house is fine...My neighbor from across the street comes staggering out of his house...I see glass all over his side yard..I tell him I think someone broke your wondow..Right about that time 6 cop cars come flying up the Allies,and road...Three officers my neighbor,ad I start walking around the side of his house,to look at the window...Suddenly some guy comes walking out of my neighbors house...The Cops chased him about 15 feet away and tazed him,then tackled him and arrested him...
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