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Author Topic: Vitamins?  (Read 20107 times)
« Reply #45 on: October 16, 2008, 02:21:44 pm »

^^^ But it tastes a hell of a lot better.
Man makes food that addresses our taste buds.  Its loaded with sodium & sugar.

Would I rather sit down & eat a hamburger & fried more than I do.  Yes, but I know eating that way is not good for me.
« Reply #46 on: October 16, 2008, 02:40:21 pm »

Here is the thrust of my point:

natural != healthy

Just because something is all-natural, that does not make it healthy. 
  Agree.   You should know what you are putting in your body.

I can trap a wild boar that has never felt the touch of civilization and slaughter it; the bacon that I get from said boar does not magically become healthier than, say,  a protein shake.
   Not addressing the analogy, because I'm not up on wild boars.

For me, I do not think things produced in a lab are as healthy as things grown out of the ground.

Have I drank a protein shake?  Yes.  Did it work?  I think so.  Was it healthy?  Debatable.

Would I rather get my protein from food instead?  Yes.
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« Reply #47 on: October 16, 2008, 02:52:25 pm »

  Because it is what I believe & its is what I said.
 Another?  You are just making shit up now.  

I've been on this board for years & have never used the word God, nor discussed  my beliefs.
 I'm not concerned with factually correct when it comes to my beliefs in an omnipotent being ( as you put it )   Are you afraid to use the word God?


No but this was a thread about vitamins and taking them to ward off colds/flu's. You said "as god intended" when describing what we eat. That is bringing a religious connotation into a discussion that had no reason for it. You could have brought up all your points about healthy eating and such without mention one iota of personal religious beliefs, and still made a valid case, yet you could not. Why? Can you not have a rational discussion about natural foods and healthy eating without invoking your personal diety?
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2008, 02:56:53 pm »

  Some of you have taken my comments & ran with them.  Eye of Newt?  WTF?

My belief is this.  Eat healthy food ( Grown out of the ground - fruits & veggies )
Eat a small portion of meat.  Drink water.  

Stay away from fast food, refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, processed foods.

Reduce the chemicals in your life.  ( Cleaning supplies, on/in your food )

Exercise several times a week.

Stay away from long term medicine that is lifestyle driven for the long term..If you go on it, but change your lifestyle to get off of it.

I believe this increases your odds of a better quality of life.  

However, as stated before.   Nothing is guaranteed in this world.  Tomorrow is not promised to you.

« Reply #49 on: October 16, 2008, 03:13:11 pm »

  Yes.  You said " Another thread "  Implying I have injected God into another thread.  Which is false.

but this was a thread about vitamins and taking them to ward off colds/flu's. You said "as god intended" when describing what we eat. That is bringing a religious connotation into a discussion that had no reason for it. You could have brought up all your points about healthy eating and such without mention one iota of personal religious beliefs, and still made a valid case, yet you could not. Why?
   Do not believe in synthetic vitamins.

  I started & ended it with its all what you believe.    I did not say this is how it is.  I gave my belief.   

My words.
This comes down to a basic what you believe  IMO God gave us what we were suppose to eat ( veggies ) & man gave us fast food.  Who knows more?  Man or God?  Its all what you believe.

You feel uncomfortable with me using God.   Ok, but I'd do it again. 

Can you not have a rational discussion about natural foods and healthy eating without invoking your personal diety
  I did not ask if they believed or if anyone else did.  If someone believes in God then why would they not believe he provided the quality food we needed to nourish our bodies.  I did not say you had to believe in God.

I did not want to know if they believed or not.
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« Reply #50 on: October 16, 2008, 04:04:06 pm »

So let me see if I have this straight, any long term medications are bad?

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« Reply #51 on: October 16, 2008, 04:44:49 pm »

I'm curious, what if you're suffering from crippling arthritis. Should you just "deal with it"? Switch to whole wheat? Or down some ibuprofen?
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« Reply #52 on: October 16, 2008, 08:53:49 pm »

How do doctors make their money?   Not by having patients not come see them.  I'll tell you that.   I'm not surprised your anatomy professor thinks its all bogus. I'd bet he was never taught nutrition in school or very little. 

Remember healthy people do not come see the doctor. 

In my professor's defense, he is a SURGEON. His patients aren't coming to see him because they didn't take their vitamins, they are there for much bigger reasons.  He makes a good living as a professor as well, so I don't think he is earning anything by telling people vitamins are bogus. It's just his own personal belief and experiences in the healthcare field.

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« Reply #53 on: October 16, 2008, 09:01:09 pm »

This is the weirdest thread I've ever read.

I did yoga when I was 18-21. I still do it every so often today. One day, my yoga instructor started yapping a bit about how "western medicine" did X, Y, and Z, and how it was flawed, and how "eastern medicine," eating well, breathing, and yoga could make you much healthier than all that. I don't know that I've ever rolled my eyes so hard.

If my arm gets run over by a steamroller, don't expect to see me shoveling down broccoli, breathing slowly, and  doing a picture-perfect downward dog. Expect me to head to the ER.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 09:04:40 pm by SCFinfan » Logged
« Reply #54 on: October 17, 2008, 02:24:22 am »

Let me get this straight one more time......
a.someone posts that in their experience,eating healthy and exercising has had positive results in their life.
b.said person states that God has given us everything we need to be healthy,does not talk down to anyone or try to force their beliefs on anyone else.
c.in return gets totally ridiculous attacks from people who obviously can't comprehend what they read.
d.wow,I'm just glad that this is such a friendly board where all are welcome to share and express ideas..........
« Reply #55 on: October 17, 2008, 02:31:39 am »

All Dphins4me is saying(in my opinion)is exactly what each and every one of any of your own personal physicians would tell you.......if you eat right and exercise chances are you willl get sick alot less,you will have a more positive attitude,and you will feel better and not need to see the doctor until you have something more serious than a cold.
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« Reply #56 on: October 17, 2008, 07:33:07 am »

All Dphins4me is saying(in my opinion)is exactly what each and every one of any of your own personal physicians would tell you.......if you eat right and exercise chances are you willl get sick alot less,you will have a more positive attitude,and you will feel better and not need to see the doctor until you have something more serious than a cold.

Oh. Well, I agree with that, barring exceptional circumstances like genetic disease and such.
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« Reply #57 on: October 17, 2008, 08:03:33 am »

This thread had gotten very divergent.  Couple of thoughts.

Most "Eastern Medicine" is really more about prevention than treatment and cure. 

Like SCFinFan I am not going to breath deep and eat broccoli if I am in auto accident.  But eating broccoli and exercise may help prevent needing to go to the ER for a heart attack.

Recently thing have started to change, but for a long time "western medicine" was almost exclusively about treatment and almost zilch about prevention.

Incidents of ADD is on the rise.  And I have a mild case of it. (never bad enough to take drugs) I bet you if you traced the increase it would track pretty close to the rise in the use of school buses.  When I was a kid most days I rode my bike to school.  Occasionally I would get a car ride. Guess what? Most of the days I got in trouble were days I got a car ride.  My grades jumped up when I got a morning paper route (effectively doubling my morning exercise.)   You stick a kid on a bus, then demand he sit still all day and if he can't you give him a drug.  Maybe if he walked two miles to school first he wouldn't need the drug. 

There is no question we need of humans to have vitamins.  But it is questionable if   eating synthetic vitamins has any value.  So what do we do, instead of giving kids an orange (which has real vitamin C) for breakfast we give them a bowl of refined sugar and synthetic vitamins because a cartoon tiger told us they are grrrrrreat. 

So I stand by my original advice to Janet.  More OJ, less beer.  Wash your hands.  Eat healthy.  That doesn't mean I would tell her not to go to doctor if she get seriously sick. 

Oh, I would add if you smoke or are around smokers cut that out.  That crap seriously increase your likelihood of catching the flu or a cold (and stuff a lot worse too)


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« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2008, 07:26:47 am »

I'm curious, what if you're suffering from crippling arthritis. Should you just "deal with it"? Switch to whole wheat? Or down some ibuprofen?
     I take no pain medication. This comes from a man who has it in his neck from a High school injury & why I've been told by a doctor that I need neck surgery.   I deal with my pain with massages, chiropractic care, cold & heat pads & do rather well for the most part.

   Actually grains are one of the main causes for inflammation.   Alcohol is another.
They both break down in the body as a sugar which causes inflammation.
« Reply #59 on: October 18, 2008, 07:42:43 am »

This is the weirdest thread I've ever read.

I did yoga when I was 18-21. I still do it every so often today. One day, my yoga instructor started yapping a bit about how "western medicine" did X, Y, and Z, and how it was flawed, and how "eastern medicine," eating well, breathing, and yoga could make you much healthier than all that. I don't know that I've ever rolled my eyes so hard.

If my arm gets run over by a steamroller, don't expect to see me shoveling down broccoli, breathing slowly, and  doing a picture-perfect downward dog. Expect me to head to the ER.
  This is where some of you guys/girls are getting stupid on this.  Nothing is going to help you ( Not even western medicine ) if your arm gets ran over by a steamroller.   Emergency situations are emergency situations.  No on is saying that if you take a bullet to the head, that you go take some herb to heal it.  This is about health & quality of life.

No one of any intellect can deny to benefits of fish oil these days.   However, the west is just now finally acknowledging these benefits, when its been out there for who knows how long.

Do you know what the No. 1 prescribed anti-depressant is in the world?   Its not a western medicine.  Its a herb.

Also, if western medicine & food is healthy then why is the health of America declining?  The biggest misconception in the US is that our medicine & hospital care is far & above other countries.  When in fact its not.  The only place we are No. 1 on health care is cost.

I keep hearing about scientific studies on our medicine.  Do you people not follow the number of these medicines that are being pulled for deadly side effects & the fact some companies have just been flat out lying about?   Knowing that it increased the risk of say heart attacks, but buried that information in order to get it to market?  or the FDA decided that yes it will kill a certain number of patients but help far more. 
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