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Author Topic: Vitamins?  (Read 20102 times)
« Reply #60 on: October 18, 2008, 08:02:08 am »

Most "Eastern Medicine" is really more about prevention than treatment and cure. 
   If its not an immediate life threatening situation then I believe for the most part it can be handle with a life style change.

Like SCFinFan I am not going to breath deep and eat broccoli if I am in auto accident..
Nor would I, but had you been doing that your recovery most likely would be quicker.

But eating broccoli and exercise may help prevent needing to go to the ER for a heart attack.

Recently thing have started to change, but for a long time "western medicine" was almost exclusively about treatment and almost zilch about prevention..
The statistics are finally catching up & also more people are finding out that its not making them healthy.   Basically people are become more & more educated on the subject & not missing all the law suit & facts about companies lying about the long term effects of their drugs.

More people die from pharmaceutical drugs than illegal drugs every year.

Incidents of ADD is on the rise.  And I have a mild case of it. (never bad enough to take drugs) I bet you if you traced the increase it would track pretty close to the rise in the use of school buses.  When I was a kid most days I rode my bike to school.  Occasionally I would get a car ride. Guess what? Most of the days I got in trouble were days I got a car ride.  My grades jumped up when I got a morning paper route (effectively doubling my morning exercise.)   You stick a kid on a bus, then demand he sit still all day and if he can't you give him a drug.  Maybe if he walked two miles to school first he wouldn't need the drug. 
I agree with this.   

   Lack of sleep & too much sugar ( Which goes with your cereal comment )play a huge role in ADD.   When kids do not get enough sleep they get extremely hyper.  Add a poor diet loaded with sugar & the end result is not being able to sit still.  Plus, schools do not allow kids enough run around time these days.

I know kids that do not get to bed until 11 on a school nights.  They are hard to handle kids.  Mine go to bed 95% of the time at 8:15.  Get up at 7.  They are 4 & 6.

There is no question we need of humans to have vitamins.  But it is questionable if   eating synthetic vitamins has any value.  So what do we do, instead of giving kids an orange (which has real vitamin C) for breakfast we give them a bowl of refined sugar and synthetic vitamins because a cartoon tiger told us they are grrrrrreat. 

So I stand by my original advice to Janet.  More OJ, less beer.  Wash your hands.  Eat healthy.  That doesn't mean I would tell her not to go to doctor if she get seriously sick. 

Oh, I would add if you smoke or are around smokers cut that out.  That crap seriously increase your likelihood of catching the flu or a cold (and stuff a lot worse too)
  Agree.   No one is saying do not go to the doctor, if you have a problem.  Just educated yourself on what he/she tells you. 
Fred Finstoned
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Posts: 152

« Reply #61 on: October 18, 2008, 03:30:59 pm »


« Reply #62 on: October 18, 2008, 03:41:19 pm »


Is this guy Spongebob or what?
StL FinFan
Uber Member
Posts: 7153

« Reply #63 on: October 18, 2008, 04:12:22 pm »

I would like to see the scientific evidence that more people die from legal drugs than illegal drugs.  If this includes abuse of legal drugs, I might believe it, but I do not believe  that more people die from using correct dosages of legal drugs than illegal drugs or abuse of legal drugs.

Also, the "herb" people take for depression.  St John's Wort can do some nasty stuff to you.  It's is certainly not safe for everyone.

Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
« Reply #64 on: October 18, 2008, 04:51:05 pm »

I would like to see the scientific evidence that more people die from legal drugs than illegal drugs.  If this includes abuse of legal drugs, I might believe it, but I do not believe  that more people die from using correct dosages of legal drugs than illegal drugs or abuse of legal drugs.

   The report I read I cannot truly recall if it included abuse or not. 

What if it didn't?   Thing is most people who die from legal drugs die from things like heart attacks & kidney failure. 

Also, the "herb" people take for depression.  St John's Wort can do some nasty stuff to you.  It's is certainly not safe for everyone.
  It is..  St. Johns Wort is the most prescribed anti-depressant in the world.

 Anything you put in your body reacts & why you should talk to a doctor.  There are doctors out there who practice holistic also.
StL FinFan
Uber Member
Posts: 7153

« Reply #65 on: October 18, 2008, 04:57:29 pm »

Guess what kids, I use some herbal supplements and nutritional supplements for animals.  You need to know what you are putting into your (or your child's or your pet's) and what the possible side and adverse affects can be.  Educate yourself.  If your doctor does not explain things to your satisfaction, find another one who will.  There is a place for "Eastern" and "Western" medicine to coexist.  Both have positive things to offer if used correctly and judiciously.

Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Posts: 7545

4866.5 miles from Dolphin Stadium

« Reply #66 on: October 20, 2008, 10:45:16 am »

   Do not believe in synthetic vitamins.

There is no such thing as synthetic vitamins. That's complete BS. Vitamins are specific chemical compounds. Additional chemicals and the specific physical form of the vitamin (e.g. dissolved in water, crushed etc) may influence the effective uptake.

  Actually grains are one of the main causes for inflammation.   Alcohol is another.
They both break down in the body as a sugar which causes inflammation.

Unless you can provide proof, I'm calling bullshit on this as well.

Sugar does not cause inflammation.

Wheat does not cause inflammation in HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS.

Recent fad diets that have healthy people avoiding wheat are HARMFUL and proponents of such crap should be forced to display scientific PROOF of their claims or retract them.

There are a number of diseases that present with symptoms of "wheat intolerance". Gluten is the typical culprit, although not the only one. Celiac Disease is a fairly common (over 2 million diagnosed cases in the US) disease that can (and often does) present with symptoms of joint inflammation. In individuals with CD, ingestion of gluten causes inflammation in much the same way ( as rheumatoid arthritis (which has about the same prevalency, i.e. ~ 1% of the population).

There are also individuals that are "insensitive" to gluten (less severe than the "intolerance" of CD), with symptoms ranging from joint inflamation to migraines, with everything from upset stomach to fatigue in-between. A specific protein in gluten is the culprit, not some mysterious sugar-causes-inflammation mechanism.
« Reply #67 on: October 20, 2008, 11:42:00 pm »

There is no such thing as synthetic vitamins. That's complete BS. Vitamins are specific chemical compounds. Additional chemicals and the specific physical form of the vitamin (e.g. dissolved in water, crushed etc) may influence the effective uptake.
  Any vitamin created in a lab is synthetic. IMO  More or less the ingredients come from chemical make up instead of food.

Unless you can provide proof, I'm calling bullshit on this as well.

Sugar does not cause inflammation.
Obvious you did not do a quick Google search before posting this. 

  I guess it depends on what you want to call proof.  Anything I put forth it is clear you will disagree with or call BS on, so here is a quick Google search.  Maybe you can find one, that you can agree with..I doubt it.


My personal source is a nutritionist. 

Wheat does not cause inflammation in HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS.

Recent fad diets that have healthy people avoiding wheat are HARMFUL and proponents of such crap should be forced to display scientific PROOF of their claims or retract them.

There are a number of diseases that present with symptoms of "wheat intolerance". Gluten is the typical culprit, although not the only one. Celiac Disease is a fairly common (over 2 million diagnosed cases in the US) disease that can (and often does) present with symptoms of joint inflammation. In individuals with CD, ingestion of gluten causes inflammation in much the same way ( as rheumatoid arthritis (which has about the same prevalency, i.e. ~ 1% of the population).

There are also individuals that are "insensitive" to gluten (less severe than the "intolerance" of CD), with symptoms ranging from joint inflamation to migraines, with everything from upset stomach to fatigue in-between. A specific protein in gluten is the culprit, not some mysterious sugar-causes-inflammation mechanism.
  This has nothing to do with a fad diets or Celiac Disease.  Also, reducing my grain intake helped bring my Triglycerides down. 

Not trying to convince you.  If interested then research it yourself.  If not, then go about your life with no thought of this.

Uber Member
Posts: 7545

4866.5 miles from Dolphin Stadium

« Reply #68 on: October 21, 2008, 10:28:25 am »

  Any vitamin created in a lab is synthetic. IMO  More or less the ingredients come from chemical make up instead of food.

You stated that you did not believe in synthetic vitamins. There is no such thing as synthetic vitamins. The method of production can be synthetic. Vitamin C, for example, is the chemical compound 2-oxo-L-threo-hexono-1,4- lactone-2,3-enediol.

There is no difference between vitamin C extracted from shit, an orange or mixed together in a lab.

It's the same freaking chemical compound. The body needs it and doesn't care how it was made. Period.

What can (and does) make a difference is how the vitamin is ingested. Uptake of many nutrients, not just vitamins, depends on other nutrients. Vitamin D, for example, increases the uptake of Calcium.

Obvious you did not do a quick Google search before posting this. 

You don't find it interesting that the sites in the results all want to sell you something or mention the word "wellness"?

My personal source is a nutritionist. 

This has nothing to do with a fad diets or Celiac Disease.

If you experience noticable inflammation upon intake of sugar or wheat, I suggest you contact a doctor. That is not normal and can be indicative of an allergy/intolerance/insensitivity, diabetes or other metabolic disorder.

Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia (higher and lower, respectively, levels of blood sugar) are both associated with increases in IL-6 (a marker of inflammation). In other words, don't pig out and don't starve yourself.

It was previously believed that glucose (sugar) caused an increase in oxidative stress (which, in turn, could cause inflammation). Recent studies have disproved that. From the conclusion of one such recent study:

These new data from a controlled intervention trial indicate that acute, transient increases in plasma glucose following oral intake of a large glucose load do not, as previously reported, cause a significant decrease in plasma antioxidants or increase oxidative stress in non–diabetic subjects

Source: European Journal of Nutrition, Volume 44, Number 4 / June, 2005.

Also, reducing my grain intake helped bring my Triglycerides down.

Triglycerides are FAT. In plasma (which is what you are talking about), triglycerides are the body's way of transporting excess energy - from ANY source - to fat deposits.

Want to bring down your triglycerides? Consume fewer calories or increase your activity level.

If you reduce your wheat intake, but keep your calorie intake the same, you will NOT see a reduction in your plasma triglycerides.
« Reply #69 on: October 21, 2008, 02:57:03 pm »

It's the same freaking chemical compound. The body needs it and doesn't care how it was made. Period..

That is your opinion.  Mine is Vitamin C taken in by a food source is better for you.  I'm not arguing.  Its my personal opinion.

Yours is its just a chemical compound.

We have to agree to disagree.

What can (and does) make a difference is how the vitamin is ingested. Uptake of many nutrients, not just vitamins, depends on other nutrients. Vitamin D, for example, increases the uptake of Calcium.
Things like that do matter.
You don't find it interesting that the sites in the results all want to sell you something or mention the word "wellness"?.
I just posted a google search.  I did not search the sites. 

If you experience noticable inflammation upon intake of sugar or wheat, I suggest you contact a doctor. That is not normal and can be indicative of an allergy/intolerance/insensitivity, diabetes or other metabolic disorder.
I'm not.

If you reduce your wheat intake, but keep your calorie intake the same, you will NOT see a reduction in your plasma triglycerides.
  Doesn't explain why mine came down then.  However, they did & that is all I'm concerned with.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2008, 11:10:19 pm by Dphins4me » Logged
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