- The economy will improve. Part of this will be because Obama's tax plan will give relief to those who need it most right now, but another part will be because of the cyclical nature of the economy.
Giving free money to people will not improve the economy.
It will be great for the people who do not pay income taxes already.
- Our standing will improve in the world. As Obama is very popular with foreign citizens, foreign leaders will be more likely to be supportive of the US. Some anti-American sentiment will diminish.
Hamas endorsed him. So yea for us.
- Another terrorist attack is certainly a possibility (under either new president), as again, the cyclical nature of stuff like this happens. To blame (or credit) Obama or McCain (or Bush) for a terrorist attack during their tenure would be unfair.
IMO there will be a more likely terrorist attack because the fear of repercussions will be lower. They already know what McCain will do.
- Racial tensions will ease in this country, and a more open and honest dialogue about race will be on the table.
Will change nothing. Bigots will still be bigots. On both sides I might add.
- There will be no change to our relationship with Israel.
Not 100% sure on that. Odds probably not.
- Obama will have to ditch some of the programs he's proposed, because the economy will not allow for as much spending in the short term.
Lets hope so. Universal health care is a bottomless pit.
- Laws on abortion and gay marriage will likely remain unchanged during his term, as this is really decided by the people and not the president. However, these things are inevitable in my opinion, with next generation becoming more and more accepting of gay lifestyles, and Obama may appoint judges that will lay the groundwork for this to happen in 10 years. Abortion will not change, because people support it and it's protected by a prior court case, which is difficult to overturn.
- Gun Control will remain largely unchanged, with the possibility of small limitations, like waiting times, background checks, etc.
They will do as much as they possibly can to take guns out of US homes.
- Obama will adopt the Clinton-era tactics for fighting terrorism -- no declaration or occupation, but a steady state of targeted bombings, special ops missions, undercover agents, etc. It's cheaper and out of the public eye.
Clinton handled terrorist like a coward. We had several attacks & all he basically did was lob a couple of missiles. Say what you will with Bush, but those type attacks have not happened under him.