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Author Topic: Predict what happens if Obama is elected.  (Read 30016 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 4406

« Reply #45 on: October 30, 2008, 02:53:27 pm »

How about teaching your daughter about a better form of birth control than a condom......... the word "NO"

Or to swallow............. Grin Cheesy

Uber Member
Posts: 4406

« Reply #46 on: October 30, 2008, 03:00:57 pm »


Drug use is huge there.  Something to do with the shitty weather for part of the year.

I guess with all those woods and Cabins , and a VERY long way from Columbia they need to make their own shit. Not everyone is into the clean fresh air and living huh?

Dave Gray
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« Reply #47 on: October 30, 2008, 03:02:28 pm »


I think it's more about living in the dark for several months out of the year, and how that can mess with your head.

I drink your milkshake!
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« Reply #48 on: October 30, 2008, 03:08:45 pm »

^^^ Alaska is full of skumbags from my understanding as well. I knew a couple who lived there and you can hardly get the crack pipe out of his mouth unless you have a needle for him. He says people run from California up there to hide from the law.
Uber Member
Posts: 4406

« Reply #49 on: October 30, 2008, 03:10:11 pm »

I can definitely see that. I hate when it gets dark at around 4:30 - 5 in the Winter. I know Deputies that work in the Jail all day and get wierd becuase there are no Windows.  I'd go Nuts.

Uber Member
Posts: 4406

« Reply #50 on: October 30, 2008, 03:12:09 pm »

^^^ Alaska is full of skumbags from my understanding as well. I knew a couple who lived there and you can hardly get the crack pipe out of his mouth unless you have a needle for him. He says people run from California up there to hide from the law.

Not too bright. He's gotta know they have Police up there as well. Mexico is a bit closer for the Crackhead ...........I'm sure Alaska has its problems but They are everywhere .

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« Reply #51 on: October 30, 2008, 03:17:34 pm »

Not too bright. He's gotta know they have Police up there as well. Mexico is a bit closer for the Crackhead ...........I'm sure Alaska has its problems but They are everywhere .

Alaska is pretty lax when it comes to drug enforcement. 

There are two rules for success:
 1. Never tell everything you know.
« Reply #52 on: October 30, 2008, 03:24:57 pm »

-  The economy will improve.  Part of this will be because Obama's tax plan will give relief to those who need it most right now, but another part will be because of the cyclical nature of the economy.
Giving free money to people will not improve the economy. 

It will be great for the people who do not pay income taxes already.

- Our standing will improve in the world.  As Obama is very popular with foreign citizens, foreign leaders will be more likely to be supportive of the US.  Some anti-American sentiment will diminish.
Hamas endorsed him.  So yea for us.

- Another terrorist attack is certainly a possibility (under either new president), as again, the cyclical nature of stuff like this happens.  To blame (or credit) Obama or McCain (or Bush) for a terrorist attack during their tenure would be unfair.
IMO there will be a more likely terrorist attack because the fear of repercussions will be lower.   They already know what McCain will do.

- Racial tensions will ease in this country, and a more open and honest dialogue about race will be on the table.
  Will change nothing.  Bigots will still be bigots.  On both sides I might add.

- There will be no change to our relationship with Israel.
Not 100% sure on that.  Odds probably not.

- Obama will have to ditch some of the programs he's proposed, because the economy will not allow for as much spending in the short term.
Lets hope so.  Universal health care is a bottomless pit.

- Laws on abortion and gay marriage will likely remain unchanged during his term, as this is really decided by the people and not the president.  However, these things are inevitable in my opinion, with next generation becoming more and more accepting of gay lifestyles, and Obama may appoint judges that will lay the groundwork for this to happen in 10 years.  Abortion will not change, because people support it and it's protected by a prior court case, which is difficult to overturn.

- Gun Control will remain largely unchanged, with the possibility of small limitations, like waiting times, background checks, etc.
They will do as much as they possibly can to take guns out of US homes.

- Obama will adopt the Clinton-era tactics for fighting terrorism -- no declaration or occupation, but a steady state of targeted bombings, special ops missions, undercover agents, etc.  It's cheaper and out of the public eye.
  Clinton handled terrorist like a coward.   We had several attacks & all he basically did was lob a couple of missiles.  Say what you will with Bush, but those type attacks have not happened under him.
Dave Gray
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26384964 davebgray@comcast.net davebgray floridadavegray
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« Reply #53 on: October 30, 2008, 03:37:35 pm »

^^^^  Why not make some predictions of your own instead of just sniping at mine from the sidelines?

I drink your milkshake!
Posts: 30

« Reply #54 on: October 30, 2008, 04:23:06 pm »

Nothings going to change, it's going to get worse.

1. Taking troops out of Iraq - Good luck with that one. If everyone stopped listening to the doctored media that we get, you'll find out that the whole thing in Iraq is not about liberation, it's about big business and having a bigger presence of American business in the region. Pat Tillman was murdered at point blank range because he was going to reveal that they were over there protecting American contractors and no one has asked the question..."What are American contractors doing in a War Zone?"

You think those lobbyists (business) that have a claim or stake in that region with their business are going to allow McCain or Obama authorize a pull out? You'll get a staged "pullout". You've just got to know what stock footage that the network is using ( see Vietnam) when they give you images of soldiers coming back home.

2. The Economy - When you have the Dow that drops 900 points and then come back up 900 points, that should tell you one thing.  The powers that be can manipulate the economy and you. For example, it was reported that Indy Mac went under. Indy Mac did not go under, as a matter of fact, they kept hiring people. My condo loan was through Indy Mac and they offered to put me under an ARM stating that the economy was bad and that was the best way to go. B.S. The big wheels that delve in mortgage investments created a scenario and got paid off of people's fears. The economy is going to hell in a handbasket. Nothing Obama can do about that.

3. The Banks and the FRB -  This is a laugher. What can Obama or McCain do to possible stop these guys from printing money that's not backed by anything and selling that money to banks, inflating the worth of useless money? You think Obama is going to say, printing money not backed by anything or just making it up out of thin air is illegal?

4. Universal Health Care - These doctors are making a killing with these phony HMO's. Do you think that the doctors or anyone wants to go to a universal health care system in which the quality of services coming from the doctor might be bad? In the inner cities, which was the testing ground, there has been that kind of system in place for years and the results are stunningly bad. Get a card from WIC, the hospital system, and for certain things, get it cared for and the cost goes to the taxpayer. The Doctor get's triple the payment of money from the government and sometimes it's shoddy work. Obama will take that program model and try to ensure that every state has a working model that has no quality at all. Universal Health care plans will die out fast and we'll still have people that can't get access to anything.

5. The People - Americans have become lazy, incoherent, unable to concentrate and have lost respect for themselves and struggle with creativity and having a work ethic. Obama is going to seize that and say that the government will take care of you. Under anyone that gets in the White House, you can kiss the last of your parental rights goodbye. They are trying to make your children property of the State.

6. Jobs - The mantra should be "create more small business opportunities for the lower and middle class" but for some reason, there is someone pulling the levers that don't like that idea because it breeds "competition". Jobs, Baby, Jobs?" What about "Ownership baby! Ownership". And I thought that Al Davis was on crack. There will be a scarcity of jobs in the coming future. No one is talking OWNERSHIP and control of their personal future but are instead given some bogus tools to keep them in bondage.

Obama can't promise you jobs because corporations tell him what to do. It's not the other way around.

America needs a makeover and it doesn't start with a politician.
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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #55 on: October 30, 2008, 05:29:13 pm »

How about teaching your daughter about a better form of birth control than a condom......... the word "NO"
In Alaska, "no" means "maybe."

Alaska's Rape Rates Double the National Average
While rural areas overall may have lower reporting rates, Alaska's rates are more than double the U.S. average.

Alaska, where 90 percent of the state cannot be reached by a road system, in 1999 reported 83.5 rapes per 100,000 females compared to a U.S. average of 32.7 per 100,000 females, according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports.

Uber Member
Uber Member
Posts: 4111

« Reply #56 on: October 30, 2008, 06:52:12 pm »

I counter that with we couldn't do much anyway. Air strikes are our only military option anywhere right now. Our military is already ate up and spread out.
I think you're wrong but hopefully we won't find out. 

Schools will continue to suck due to student as well as teacher apathy.
Which will incite them to flush more money through a failing system.  We'll up around $20,000 per year per child by 2012

We will pull out of Iraq at some point.
That date is already being specifically discussed but no doubt the man in charge when it happens will get credit.

The economy will make a slow progression upwards.
I'm not seeing this.  I suppose if it totally tanks "Great Depression" style first then it's possible.

Conservative talk radio will harp on everything he does.
And?  What about liberal mainstream media? 

Liberals will realize he is not a savior.
Not seeing this either.  I can see Bush being given more responsibility for problems during an Obama presidency than Obama himself.

Hypersensitive bullies should not frequent message boards.
Uber Member
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« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2008, 06:54:18 pm »

You have every right to either homeschool your children or send them to a private school.
You make it sound like it's okay for public schools to teach liberalism over the core subjects?  You zoomed through radical and are quickly approaching fanatical. 

Hypersensitive bullies should not frequent message boards.
Uber Member
Uber Member
Posts: 4111

« Reply #58 on: October 30, 2008, 06:56:25 pm »

Sorry Dave. Prediction is either way were going to hell in a handbasket. I do think Bama is anti-Jew. He's gonna push for a Palestinian state like everyone else.
Who HASN'T pushed for that over the past 20-30 years?  Only the Palestinian leadership because they realize that once they get a homeland then they have less to constantly bitch about.  Arab-Israeli peace was one of Yassar Arafat's biggest fears!  He knew his power was based on the ongoing conflict.

Hypersensitive bullies should not frequent message boards.
« Reply #59 on: October 30, 2008, 10:23:41 pm »

^^^^  Why not make some predictions of your own instead of just sniping at mine from the sidelines?
  Brings me down & makes me want to cry.

I see nothing positive coming out of Obama becoming Pres.    Actually the thought is terrifying. 

BTW I did not snipe.  I agreed with some.
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