The more I think about this Varitek thing the more it pisses me off. I'm doing a complete 180 on this guy.
'Tek hit a paltry .220 last year, gunned down something horrific like 1 out of every 1,456 runners that tried to steal on him, has eroding defensive skills, can't catch up to a fastball over 89mph...and turned down arbitration that would have paid him 11 million for this coming season.
Okay, that I could let slide. He wants to get more than a one year deal and arbitration means almost nothing, Boston could have still cut him during spring training and been on the hook for 10 cents on the dollar for his remaining contract (almost nothing).
But then Boston offers the guy a one year
5 million dollar deal or two year, 9 million dollar deal. And he's "insulted" by it.
Insulted?! Excuse fucking me? You're insulted?

What, exactly, do you bring to the team asshole? You "handle the pitchers well?" Really? Well -- let's see. I'm a pitcher. Granted not at your level, but a pitcher. Four high school state titles, four all state awards, one national title, two honorable mention all American, one second team all American. I know how to pitch. I've thrown to one or two catchers in my day. I can say this with a lot of confidence - the real thing a catcher is good for is making sure the ball doesn't go to the fucking back stop.
These are
professional pitchers that
know the hitters as well as you do. Frikkin' assclown.
People in this country are suffering. Hard workers - people that do their job
well are losing their jobs, retirement savings, homes...
You're a shitty ass catcher that sucks the life out of a game every time you come to bat and you're
insulted by a five million dollar contract to play a game?
I could have accepted "I appreciate Boston's offer, I was hoping for something with a little more security." Or "I think my value is a little higher than that but I understand where Boston is coming from based on my performance the last couple of years."
But "I'm insulted and would rather retire?"
You know what that 'C' on your chest should stand for? 'Cock gobbler.'
Fuck off, Jason Varitek. Seriously. Go cheat on your wife or something. Oh, wait. You already did that, didn't you? Whoa is me, I am going through a divorce and have a lot on my mind. That's why I suck. Well had you not fucked someone that wasn't your WIFE you wouldn't have gone through that. Would you?
Rot in hell you piece of shit. The fans that have cheered for you, and supported you -- the same fans that are now losing their homes and jobs, you know the ones that pay maybe $50,000 a year, deserve better than you and you're "I'm insulted by 5 million" act.
Go away.