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Author Topic: Our first tie football game since 2002  (Read 5997 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 7545

4866.5 miles from Dolphin Stadium

« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2008, 06:45:29 am »

Also each team in NFL overtime has a chance to win.

The team winning the coin toss wins two thirds of the time. Having such a significant RANDOM element is a disgrace and completely disrespectful of the game and the fans.

I think the easiest change would be to just allow "at least one possession per team" in overtime. So if team A scores a figgie on its first drive, team B still gets a chance. Once those two first drives are over with, tough luck. At least you had a chance.
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2008, 12:54:25 pm »

The team winning the coin toss wins two thirds of the time. Having such a significant RANDOM element is a disgrace and completely disrespectful of the game and the fans.

I think the easiest change would be to just allow "at least one possession per team" in overtime. So if team A scores a figgie on its first drive, team B still gets a chance. Once those two first drives are over with, tough luck. At least you had a chance.

It isn't that high.  the team that wins the coinflip only wins like 57%.  It is fair for both teams.  the coinflip is a 50.50 chance to start with the ball.  Losing the coinflip doesn't equate to an automatic loss. Don't say because they didn't get the ball they never had a chance.  They need to play fucking defense and not let the other team score.  whos fault is it that they couldn't stop the other team from marching down the field on their defense.
Global Moderator
Uber Member
Posts: 14597

« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2008, 01:37:24 pm »

It isn't that high.  the team that wins the coinflip only wins like 57%.  It is fair for both teams.  the coinflip is a 50.50 chance to start with the ball.  Losing the coinflip doesn't equate to an automatic loss. Don't say because they didn't get the ball they never had a chance.  They need to play fucking defense and not let the other team score.  whos fault is it that they couldn't stop the other team from marching down the field on their defense.

That 57% is only the case if you go back to like 1974 and do the stats on every tie.

With improved FG kickers plus the kick off being moved from he 30 to the 35 has changed that stat for more recent games.   


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Uber Member
Posts: 16004

Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2008, 03:17:00 pm »

The college OT system is stupid for two reasons:

1) Special teams (punter, kick coverage) become irrelevant
2) There is no strategy in kickoff/receive (it's just the opposite of NFL system)

The best system I've heard of is one where after the coin flip, each team gets one possession, then it's sudden death  (standard kickoff rules apply).  This way, there is an actual strategic choice to be made for kickoff/receive; if you receive, you know what you need to match after the first possession, but if you kickoff, you get the ball first if it gets to sudden death.

Uber Member
Posts: 691

27 years of heartache.

« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2008, 01:58:06 am »

It isn't football.  It is like little kiddies football where each team just runs 10 plays on offense.  Field position means nothing.  Interceptions mean nothing, no punting etc. 

Agreed.  Why not change everything in the NFL to mirror college then?  Sudden death is here to stay mainly because:

1.  It's tradition.
2.  Sudden death is a cool football term.
3.  It might mess with the over/under in close games.

Sure, #3 is a conspiracy theory but it might be a valid reason.  There has been a lot of froggy shit going down this season starting with that non-fumble Jay Cutler fumble against San Diego.
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