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Author Topic: Kurt Warner: Hall of Famer?  (Read 16979 times)
David Fulcher
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« Reply #45 on: February 01, 2009, 01:02:12 am »

Here's a trivia question.  Which three AFC teams were originally in the NFL prior to the merger, but agreed to move to the AFC when the merger took place?

I got it...Pittsburgh, Baltimore (at the time, now Indianapolis) Colts, Cleveland

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« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2009, 09:48:53 am »

  It may have only been one win, but it was a hell of a win.
Anybody that watches the tape of Super Bowl III can see that it wasn't so much a Jets win as it was the Colts imploding.Baltimore bungled the game away time after time(and yes,that is part of the game...the only thing that counts is the final score)but they missed wide open receivers,fumbled,and in general shot themselves in the foot all day.Namath was a great athlete until he hurt his knees and a very accurate passer.......but if he is in the hall of fame then they should let Jim Mcmahon in.IMO Kurt Warner is a better quarterback than either one of them.Does Kurt belong in the hall?I just don't know.
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2009, 11:57:02 pm »

  Got to see Warner's wife tonight for the first time since they last appeared in the SB & you know what.  She looked feminine. 
Dave Gray
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« Reply #48 on: February 02, 2009, 12:08:31 am »

Warner's wife has changed her look a lot.  She used to look like GI Joe.

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« Reply #49 on: February 02, 2009, 09:29:28 am »

Warner is a HOF - easily.  It's not his fault that so many teams missed the boat on this guy. Could you imagine what he would have done, numbers wise, had he been "discovered" sooner?

Super Bowl MVP, two time NFL MVP, three SB appearances, two different teams, top three passing records all time SB belong to Kurt, he's #1, #2 and #3.  Not to mention the stats he has put even with the Giants. 

One of the best ever - had he been able to play longer there would be a lot of records with his name after them.

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StL FinFan
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« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2009, 10:08:23 am »

I have nothing but respect for Kurt Warner as a person and now as a football player.  He put that team on his back and came up just short.  Props to Kurt.  Don't retire yet.

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« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2009, 11:20:04 am »

He sure looked great against one of the best defenses in NFL history.
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2009, 11:22:29 am »

Warner is a HOF - easily.  It's not his fault that so many teams missed the boat on this guy. Could you imagine what he would have done, numbers wise, had he been "discovered" sooner?

Super Bowl MVP, two time NFL MVP, three SB appearances, two different teams, top three passing records all time SB belong to Kurt, he's #1, #2 and #3.  Not to mention the stats he has put even with the Giants. 

One of the best ever - had he been able to play longer there would be a lot of records with his name after them.
 Was it the fact he was undiscovered or the fact his skills developed latter?

What hurts Warner is this.  The Yrs of 2002 through 2006.   He threw 27 Tds to 34 Ints.     When Warner has been good he has been real good.  When he has been bad he has been real bad.  Right now his career is 5 really good Yrs  to 5 really bad years.
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2009, 11:27:45 am »

 Was it the fact he was undiscovered or the fact his skills developed latter?

Not so much his skills developing as much as being put in a system where any average qb can put up huge numbers.
CF DolFan
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« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2009, 01:55:13 pm »

Warner's wife has changed her look a lot.  She used to look like GI Joe.

They replayed an old interview on Focus on the Family with Kurt and his wife last week.  When Dobson asked if he could ask her a question and it was football related, she said sure but she was used to the first question always being "why do you wear your hair like that? "  I thought it was pretty funny that she had a sense of humor about it.

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« Reply #55 on: February 03, 2009, 02:03:04 pm »

Warner's wife has changed her look a lot.  She used to look like GI Joe.

Maybe Warner has Homo attachments and that hairstyle killed 2 birds with 1 stone........... Roll Eyes

More like he's no stockboy anymore and if she wished to keep her stud knocking at her stall she needed to spend a little time making herself look decent before some little fan found her way into the back seat of his SUV.......you know the one with the Jesus loves you bumper sticker.......... Grin Roll Eyes

StL FinFan
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« Reply #56 on: February 03, 2009, 02:28:31 pm »

^ can you ever say anything nice about someone

Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
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« Reply #57 on: February 03, 2009, 02:37:14 pm »

 Was it the fact he was undiscovered or the fact his skills developed latter?

What hurts Warner is this.  The Yrs of 2002 through 2006.   He threw 27 Tds to 34 Ints.     When Warner has been good he has been real good.  When he has been bad he has been real bad.  Right now his career is 5 really good Yrs  to 5 really bad years.

Good points, could be either.  I would toss this out there as a devil's advocate thing:  Brett Favre, HOF - yes?  He has had some lean years that reflect that "when he's bad he's bad" line of thinking, yes?  And - to be counterproductive here, had Favre not hung on as long as he did would have have the stats to be in the HOF?

"God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
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« Reply #58 on: February 03, 2009, 03:43:44 pm »

^ can you ever say anything nice about someone

Sure........I bet Kurts wife looks great naked, nothing like a 10 yr old boy.  Smiley

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