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Author Topic: 10 year detatchment? (Used to love FSU thread)  (Read 6443 times)
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« on: February 28, 2009, 12:54:39 am »

I've been an FSU fan all my life, but I went on strike from college football about 10 years ago. I have watched two FSU games in the last 10 years. One was the FSU/Miami game with Tommy when I came down for the Miami game vs Buffalo in 2005. The other was the FSU/Miami game the year before...or was it the same year? I'm not sure.

Anyway, I couldn't tell you the name of a single player on FSU's roster. Now, I am in Tennessee. Lane Kiffin is the new coach of the Vols, and his dad, Monte Kiffin is the Vol's defensive coordinator. (That is one more person that I can name on FSU's coaching staff) Honestly, I am excited about the next Vols season. I think that 10 years is plenty long enough time to jump from FSU and onto the Vols bandwagon. I live in Tennessee now, and I am really excited to see what Lane Kiffin and Monte Kiffin will be able to accomplish there.

So, opinions? (Sorry, Tommy) Is 10 years away long enough to jump ship? I've always been much more of an NFL fan than a college fan anyway, and that won't change. But, what do you all think of me jumping ship from the Noles to the Vols?

Maine edit to title for clarity
« Last Edit: February 28, 2009, 11:02:42 am by MaineDolFan » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2009, 07:02:32 am »

This pretty much proves the type of fan you are.  You're one of those "casual" college football fans.  Why you haven't watched games consistently in 10 years is beyond me, but I can easily see why you'll jump ship.  You never attended any of these schools, so you wouldn't feel that sense of connection.

I root for FSU because I went to school there, and I will never jump ship.  I'm just as much of a diehard fan for the Seminoles (if not more) as I am for the Dolphins. 

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« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2009, 11:11:29 am »


Yeah, I went to BCC. (Brevard Community College) I would probably feel differently if I had went to one of those universities.

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« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2009, 01:09:53 pm »

I feel ya Frimp.As a lifelong Gator fan(even when they sucked back in the FSU/Miami glory years)I decided to root for UT,whenever they weren't playing Florida, after moving here in 1990.Johnny Majors was their coach then and even though he was a bit of a rube,I liked the way he coached his team and was a no nonsense disciplinarian.The UT fans,however,are a different story.While it is thrilling to sit in Neyland stadium and watch the players come running out of the "T"while 110,000 fans go nuts and one cannot hear himself think,it was quite discouraging to smell all the booze(and I'm talking about 50 year old people--not college kids)and hear all the "They oughta fire that F--ing coach!"every single time the Vols failed to get a first down.The Tennessee fans are the worst losers I have ever seen.Every single time their team gets beat it's because somebody "cheated"or the refs were"paid off"or we "shoulda won"!I have lived here off and on for almost 20 years and the next UT fan that I meet that says,"well,the other team played better and we got beat",will be the first one.Lane Kiffin has already begun to fit in in Knoxville,running his mouth before he has even coached an SEC football game and showing how little class he has.If they would hire a coach with some local roots,that would recruit Tennessee guys that actually want to come to the hill and play,rather than some of these west coast thugs that are only hoping to parlay a 2 year major of "auto stereo theft 101" into an NFL career,then maybe I could respect the Vols somewhat.But they don't,and this is why the Floridas and the Alabamas of the world hang an ass-whipping on them everytime they play,because they play as a team and have players with character.They have a great football tradition in Knoxville,Frimp,and you will be thrilled when you go see them play,I just hope they get someone in there to bring back the proud tradition that they once had over there.
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« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2009, 04:11:15 pm »

I have to agree with Tommy.  I was always a Gator fan growing up, then I attended USF.  I don't ever see myself being anything other than a Bulls fan for the rest of my life.  You do have more of a connection when you go to the school, and I could care less what the Gators do these days.
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« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2009, 11:19:39 pm »

I'm not really sure how to take this. Normally, I'd encourage anyone to stop rooting for FSU, buying their jerseys and hats, and generally supporting their criminal activities. Going to the Vols, though...that's almost as bad. Here's an idea: Buy a RV and drive it down to Gainesville next August. Stay there until January. Eat at Leonardo's and drink at the Swamp. Be baptized a Gator. Your life will be better.
Dave Gray
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« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2009, 12:36:41 pm »

I think it's acceptable, Frimp.

I'm a Gators fan (casually), but I went to FAU.  If FAU ever got a competitive football team, I'd probably feel more ties to them.

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« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2009, 12:42:32 pm »

You're fine, Frimp.  10 years is a long time.

I meet people all the time that grew up as a (whatever)...Red Sox fan and moved to Houston and wound up Astros fans / season ticket holder.  A part of them, and you, will always watching the scrolling scores at the bottom of the screen and partially root on your original love, but it's okay to move on.

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« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2009, 03:12:06 pm »

I think it's acceptable, Frimp.

I'm a Gators fan (casually), but I went to FAU.  If FAU ever got a competitive football team, I'd probably feel more ties to them.

Winning a bowl game 2 years in a row, including being the youngest program ever to do it isn't competitive?

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« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2009, 04:37:08 pm »

^^^ For a casual sports fan being competitive typically means being competitive at the championship level which FAU isn't. I immediately thought the same thing though.
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« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2009, 07:02:11 pm »

I have been a fan of the teams I cheer for (Padres, 49ers, Suns, AZ Wildcats) since I was a kid, so can't imagine taking time off from being a fan of those franchises.

I was forced once into missing the first two months of the baseball season, and literally had no contact with any US media. I damned near went insane... I was making up baseball shit in my head...what I thought the standings were, who was doing what for my Padres, etc..., just to keep from massive depression.


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« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2009, 08:21:21 am »

You're fine, Frimp.  10 years is a long time.

I meet people all the time that grew up as a (whatever)...Red Sox fan and moved to Houston and wound up Astros fans / season ticket holder.  A part of them, and you, will always watching the scrolling scores at the bottom of the screen and partially root on your original love, but it's okay to move on.

That's true. And, if FSU ever played UT, I'd be conflicted on who I wanted to win that game. I'll still root for FSU over the Canes and UF. Something occurred to me...Its been almost 10 years since I left Florida. That probably has alot to do with why I stopped watching the games. They don't really show them all that much on TV.

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« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2009, 10:33:10 am »

That's true. And, if FSU ever played UT, I'd be conflicted on who I wanted to win that game. I'll still root for FSU over the Canes and UF. Something occurred to me...Its been almost 10 years since I left Florida. That probably has alot to do with why I stopped watching the games. They don't really show them all that much on TV.

I have a solution for you.... ESPN Gameplan!!!  It's available with DirecTV, Dish Network, and almost any major cable company.
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