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Author Topic: Tiger Woods hurt in Car Accident  (Read 8425 times)
CF DolFan
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Posts: 17276

« Reply #30 on: December 03, 2009, 08:45:01 am »

Its pretty quiet over here on the subject of Tiger Woods "Slippin into darkness". I wonder what every one is thinking about. Husbands, if it can happen to Tiger, it could happen to you! Cheesy

It can happen to anyone if they get put in the right situatiion as they will fall. Each person in a committed relationship must commit to putting up hedges around their marriage to  protect it or they could easily fall.  You can think of it as a fenced in playground that you share with your spouse.

For instance ... if I spend alone time with members of the opposite sex who attract me sooner or later I will bite. even if it is only emotional i will fall. Same with my spouse. Much faster if you add alcohol. First step is to admit when I find myself attracted to someone so that my spouse can help to hold me accountable. 

Those individuals who do not want to give up their privacy to the other person nor actually be 100% transparent should not get married. Being 99% honest is still being dishonest in my opinion.


Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
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« Reply #31 on: December 03, 2009, 09:14:40 am »

It's not her, unless he was cheating with more than one other woman.

Reports are that there are three of them. Some deny it others are putting voice mails out to the public.
« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2009, 11:15:59 am »

I don't think that marriage is for a lot of people. Some people are not made to be married but yet have sexual desires.

Woods didn't seem like to me that he was an ideal family man not because of women but the dedication to his craft. People don't realize that you can love what you do so much until it takes a life of its own and you're married to that thing you love (music, sports, etc).

I don't care what anyone says, a lot of these women are scandalous. No one looks at the woman and her motives. There's only a small percentage of them that have the right intent and do have integrity.

And some women have a way of driving a man into another woman's arms. Women are VERY competitive when it comes to men. That's why if you have a great wife, you should keep her because if you're shopping for one with integrity and class, the stores have damn near ran out of them.

I'd better be quiet before I get accused of being male chauvinist!

Like my grandmother use to say, you'd better examine the package before you get tied into it!
CF DolFan
Global Moderator
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Posts: 17276

« Reply #33 on: December 03, 2009, 01:18:12 pm »

I don't think that marriage is for a lot of people. Some people are not made to be married but yet have sexual desires.

Woods didn't seem like to me that he was an ideal family man not because of women but the dedication to his craft. People don't realize that you can love what you do so much until it takes a life of its own and you're married to that thing you love (music, sports, etc).

I don't care what anyone says, a lot of these women are scandalous. No one looks at the woman and her motives. There's only a small percentage of them that have the right intent and do have integrity.

And some women have a way of driving a man into another woman's arms. Women are VERY competitive when it comes to men. That's why if you have a great wife, you should keep her because if you're shopping for one with integrity and class, the stores have damn near ran out of them.

I'd better be quiet before I get accused of being male chauvinist!

Like my grandmother use to say, you'd better examine the package before you get tied into it!

I think it's as easy as priorities. If you want a "family man" or "family wife" you need to make sure that their looks aren't the most important thing to them.

I'm not saying they can't be attractive but if they worry more about their hair, body image etc than they do about how much time they get to spend with their kids it's a pretty good possiblity they won't be committed to the relationship. If the man's more worried about working, hanging with his buddies, or golf then is a pretty good sign of how committed to mommy he is going to be. 

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
StL FinFan
Uber Member
Posts: 7153

« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2009, 04:03:14 pm »

I don't think that marriage is for a lot of people. Some people are not made to be married but yet have sexual desires.

Woods didn't seem like to me that he was an ideal family man not because of women but the dedication to his craft. People don't realize that you can love what you do so much until it takes a life of its own and you're married to that thing you love (music, sports, etc).

I don't care what anyone says, a lot of these women are scandalous. No one looks at the woman and her motives. There's only a small percentage of them that have the right intent and do have integrity.

And some women have a way of driving a man into another woman's arms. Women are VERY competitive when it comes to men. That's why if you have a great wife, you should keep her because if you're shopping for one with integrity and class, the stores have damn near ran out of them.

I'd better be quiet before I get accused of being male chauvinist!

Like my grandmother use to say, you'd better examine the package before you get tied into it!

I get what you are saying.  I trust very few women.  I am way more comfortable around men.


What's the difference between a car and a golf ball? Tiger can drive a ball 400 yards.

Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
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