Thanks to all who played TDMMC Fantasy Baseball this was competitive as hell, from "the Ringer" (George) to the "guy who came out of nowhere" (Brian) to the "guy who always says he'll suck, but always makes the playoffs" (Lil_B)...all the way down the line.
As always, if you were in it this season, you'll have first shot at a squad next season.
("Service equals Citizenship!")
For anyone who might give a shit<g>, my Bubba's House team on the ESPN overall leaderboard finished the season at #5 overall. I held the 99 point score (curse you, ryan dempster for killing my dreams of a perfect 100), but the problem with blowing out a group of random strangers like I did in that league is that many fantasy GMs when getting blown out early will simply give up and mail it in on the season. That league's 65% league rating was the lowest among all my leagues...and became Bubba's anchor. Still, #5 overall isn't shabby, and means I've notched a top-10 overall finish in back to back baseball seasons (and the football and basketball seasons in between). Sure would like to actually "win" one though...
Game on!
I've been in JUST get this over with already mode since about mid June....
I'm feelin' ya, brother...I was ready for fantasy baseball to be done as well. It'll be a nice break from daily roster management until basketball season starts.