Mustangs fall under what I call "pussy machines". It reeks of guys thinking they're hot shit for having a "muscle car". (Yes I know a few on the board drive a Mustang...)
It's not just Mustangs. There are others, of course.
I do think the Prius comes with a bit of pretentiousness. But, at least they're not killing the environment or douchemobiles.
I think people's cars say a LOT about them. I tend to date guys that drive older, sensible cars. Not sure what that means.
I believe your description can be applied to performance type cars wether they are domestic, asian, or european.
It all depends on what you do with the cars. I personally own three Mustangs( a 67, 84, and a 2000 GT) and a 67 Cougar. I know many people who drive and act like asshats in their cars and it reflects on all of us
But I take out my urges out on the dragstrip or roadcourse.
I do agree that certain personality types of men are drawn to certain cars, but on the same note there are distinct types of women drawn to various cars too. I have had many woman come up and talk to me either because they liked my car or the color of it, and they all seemed very similiar in nature, but I did not buy my car to meet them.
I love old cars, but then again I like old furniture, old books, old buildings, etc. It is probably why I am a history major.