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Author Topic: New Referee Placement  (Read 1932 times)
Dave Gray
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« on: August 30, 2010, 01:07:40 pm »

 I'm not exactly sure how it works, but there's some new rule about placement of the "in the action" referee.  Apparently, too many refs were getting hit by guys going across the middle, so they've moved the guy.  He has to place the ball, then drop back 15 yards, and that the offense is no longer allowed to snap the ball until the ref is in position.  So, they have to wait for the guy to run 15 yards on every play, which can really slow down the game, especially for teams trying to run the no huddle.

I've seen quite a few complaints from announcers about the rule, and I tend to agree.  I do think that safety is the most important thing, though.  I think that you can't slow down the game.  Either have a separate guy spot the ball and then get out of the play or keep it how it was and put some pads and a helmet on the ref on the field (something they should probably do anyway.)

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« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 01:40:35 pm »

I'm not exactly sure how it works, but there's some new rule about placement of the "in the action" referee.  Apparently, too many refs were getting hit by guys going across the middle, so they've moved the guy.  He has to place the ball, then drop back 15 yards, and that the offense is no longer allowed to snap the ball until the ref is in position. 

That has always been the rule.  Refs need to be in position to snap the ball.  Hasn't been an issue cause the refs typically were faster than the offense. 


So, they have to wait for the guy to run 15 yards on every play, which can really slow down the game, especially for teams trying to run the no huddle.

Actually it doesn’t slow the game down much.  And the old rules are used during the final 2 mins.  What it does do is make it much harder for teams such as the Colts who run the no huddle and then use the entire 30 seconds at the LOS to prevent defenses from doing substitution from pulling an early snap to get a penalty for the defense not being ready. 

As I prefer football games where both the offense and defense are allowed to freely substitute, not just the offense and both teams have the right personnel on the field I actually like this change.  Not withstanding Poulins whining and crying. 


I do think that safety is the most important thing, though.  I think that you can't slow down the game. 

I agree safety of the refs is more important than the Colts being allowed to run the gimmick.   

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« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2010, 02:11:30 pm »

I don't understand why the ref seems to be still standing there even after he has spotted the ball?  All he should have to do is spot it and then move into position.  It seemed to me that the problem was that he was still standing over the ball when they were trying to start the play.

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« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2010, 05:31:13 pm »

I think the rule change sucks. If ref safety is a concern, just make players avoid the ref. Right now, players are under no real obligation to avoid the ref.

I also dislike have two different sets of rules depending on how much time is left. There are already too many things that are different with 5 minutes or 2 minutes left. In the 4th quarter. In overtime... etc.
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« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2010, 06:27:08 pm »

^^^ I am pretty sure it is already illegal to set a pick using another player or official. Players still do it without penalty. I think making players avoid the official isn't an option because they are already suppose to. It is too subjective to say if it was on purpose or if the official was standing where the route was designed. The only way to avoid it is move the official out of any possible path.
Uber Member
Posts: 7545

4866.5 miles from Dolphin Stadium

« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2010, 07:19:36 pm »

^^^ I am pretty sure it is already illegal to set a pick using another player or official. Players still do it without penalty.

Player yes, ref no.

I think making players avoid the official isn't an option because they are already suppose to. It is too subjective to say if it was on purpose or if the official was standing where the route was designed. The only way to avoid it is move the official out of any possible path.

I disagree. The issue is, according to the league itself, recent, with way more collisions happening in the past few years than ever before. It's a long enough period (and with significant enough consequences, including three concussions and two surgeries just last season) that they don't believe it's a statistical blip.

There are many issues with the new ump placement, including the placement itself. 15 yards behind the LOS. Yeah, that's a great vantage point. There's a reason the ump use to be (5 yards) it the defensive backfield. As Gruden aptly put in on MNF (from memory), "what can he see there that another ref can't already see? You don't have two 3rd base umps in baseball."

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