As for Spikes just some noise. Happened in college. If the league won’t get involved with what Bush did in college, there is no way this falls under personal conduct.
Oh, I agree there is no way the NFL can do anything about this, considering when it took place (assuming, as you say, the individuals involved were old enough in the relevant jurisdiction). The NFL is partly to blame for the media speculations of a possible punishment by saying that it's something they're looking into.
I like's comment on the video:
There are no allegations that the woman in the video did not consent to the activity.No kidding. Being the diligent person that I am, I tracked down the video in question, and seriously, I'm not sure SPIKES is in a state where he could consent to the act being performed on him by the girl. On the other hand, the girl seems to be enjoying herself and the camera quite a bit. (Spikes is mostly just lying on a bed with a dopey smile on his face... not necessarily hard to understand, given the circumstances, of course).
In case anyone takes it upon themselves to check the veracity of my claims and view the video themselves, note that it is SOLIDLY in the not-safe-for-work category.