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Author Topic: HEAT lose season opener to Boston.  (Read 4591 times)
YJFF Member
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2011 NFC East Champions!

« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2010, 03:06:54 pm »

This 1st of 82 regular season games represents, roughly, ~1.22% of the season. I think that the Heat will be fine for the other ~98.78% of the regular season.

Giants: '56 NFL Champs; Super Bowl XXI, XXV, XLII Champs
CF DolFan
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« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2010, 03:59:17 pm »

Sulking doesn't become you, CF...not at all.

I wasn't nailing my opinion on top of yours...in fact, I didn't even post my opinion there. I simply felt it necessary to point out that your all-inclusive "people are either Heat fans or they want them to lose" comment was ridiculous, because...well, because of its all-inclusiveness. I'm not a Heat fan (not opinion, fact) and I don't want them to lose...which disqualifies your comment immediately as being first-order hyperbole. The fact that I added additional first hand knowledge (again, not opinion) of other non-Heat fans who don't want them to lose either should serve as support for the hyperbole label I've attached to your comment.

I didn't say that there aren't a lot of people who dislike Miami...because there are. I know there are, because they are both loud and whiny, and ignoring them is difficult. I'm just saying that any assertion made by anyone that "everyone who isn't a Heat fan hates them" is blanket hype and not truth.

Sorry. Bad mood today has made me both short and defensive. Please disregard my previous defensive response!

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2010, 09:20:49 pm »

I wasn't nailing my opinion on top of yours...in fact, I didn't even post my opinion there. I simply felt it necessary to point out that your all-inclusive "people are either Heat fans or they want them to lose" comment was ridiculous, because...well, because of its all-inclusiveness. I'm not a Heat fan (not opinion, fact) and I don't want them to lose...which disqualifies your comment immediately as being first-order hyperbole. The fact that I added additional first hand knowledge (again, not opinion) of other non-Heat fans who don't want them to lose either should serve as support for the hyperbole label I've attached to your comment.

I didn't say that there aren't a lot of people who dislike Miami...because there are. I know there are, because they are both loud and whiny, and ignoring them is difficult. I'm just saying that any assertion made by anyone that "everyone who isn't a Heat fan hates them" is blanket hype and not truth.

(edited to remove my own idiocy)

You need to address your own hypocrisy by your continued statement that evveryone who wants the Heat ( or more specificaly Lebron) to fail are just babies whose teams lost out.
There are many fans of the game who thought his childish and egocentric games he played with teams during free agency was assinine. Also many people wish him to not achieve his goals of mulitple championships for shitting on the organization that handed him and his pack of BFF's the keys to the city.
His conduct was classless and unprofessional, and people can dislike him and all he represents without falling into your narrowly defined box.
Also many people are tired of hearing all the supposed Heat "fans" who have come out of the woodwork and have made such ludicrious claims as they are going to win 82 games, 7 championships ( Lebron's words), etc.
I also think Bosh is a spineless, wanna be superstar who had to ride someone else's coattails into a prime situation.
YJFF Member
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« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2010, 11:37:08 pm »

You need to address your own hypocrisy by your continued statement that evveryone who wants the Heat ( or more specificaly Lebron) to fail are just babies whose teams lost out.

A couple of thoughts on this one, Smoothie...

First, I never use the term babies, and I never reference LeBron, just the Heat-haters, so you're introducing a couple of elements to the equation that simply aren't accurate.

Second, I don't mind admitting to hypocrisy when it actually occurs (which it does from time to time), but in this case, after reviewing my comments in this and two other threads that deal with this year's Heat squad, I never say "all" or "every" or anything that implies that "everyone" who hates the Heat are whiny fans who missed out. I use the term "most of" in one instance, and "the majority of which" in another which are obviously unverifiable on my part (how can I know if the 51% required for the majority are whiny, or just 49%?), and I refer to the Heat-haters as a group as being both loud and whiny (which they are, and have been, since LeBron's fucked up exit from cleveland)...but I really don't see much hypocrisy in there at all. The Heat-haters as a whole, for WHATEVER reason they hate the Heat, HAVE been whiny and loud.

I also think Bosh is a spineless, wanna be superstar who had to ride someone else's coattails into a prime situation.

Aside from Chris joining the Heat to play with two players he considers good friends and to have a realistic opportunity at a title...which he damned sure wasn't ever gonna see in Toronto, can you point to one other thing that he has done in his lifetime that would spawn such vitriol from you? Did he beat his wife and I missed the news? Did he refer to himself in the third person or otherwise play the diva to the media? Did he once kick you in the nuts at a school dance?  Inquiring minds want to know!


"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend."
~ Micah Leggat
YJFF Member
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Posts: 11007

2011 NFC East Champions!

« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2010, 08:23:38 am »

For the record, the Heat won last night and looked very good. Overall record: 1-1.

Giants: '56 NFL Champs; Super Bowl XXI, XXV, XLII Champs
Uber Member
Posts: 4638

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2010, 08:15:09 pm »

A couple of thoughts on this one, Smoothie...

First, I never use the term babies, and I never reference LeBron, just the Heat-haters, so you're introducing a couple of elements to the equation that simply aren't accurate.

Second, I don't mind admitting to hypocrisy when it actually occurs (which it does from time to time), but in this case, after reviewing my comments in this and two other threads that deal with this year's Heat squad, I never say "all" or "every" or anything that implies that "everyone" who hates the Heat are whiny fans who missed out. I use the term "most of" in one instance, and "the majority of which" in another which are obviously unverifiable on my part (how can I know if the 51% required for the majority are whiny, or just 49%?), and I refer to the Heat-haters as a group as being both loud and whiny (which they are, and have been, since LeBron's fucked up exit from cleveland)...but I really don't see much hypocrisy in there at all. The Heat-haters as a whole, for WHATEVER reason they hate the Heat, HAVE been whiny and loud.

Aside from Chris joining the Heat to play with two players he considers good friends and to have a realistic opportunity at a title...which he damned sure wasn't ever gonna see in Toronto, can you point to one other thing that he has done in his lifetime that would spawn such vitriol from you? Did he beat his wife and I missed the news? Did he refer to himself in the third person or otherwise play the diva to the media? Did he once kick you in the nuts at a school dance?  Inquiring minds want to know!

From your chiding of CF's broadly painted accusations.

"As I said...it's a small slice of "where's my team's trio of superstar" whiners that is making 99ish% of the anti-Heat noise. You apparently have a seat in that section, but trying to shoehorn the rest of the world in there with ya seems kind of silly. "

You are shoehorning everyone who does not like the over the top hype of the Heat and are tired of hearing about it into one group. That is why I called hypocrisy.

Maybe a whiner is completely different from babies in your book, but I hold them to the same standard.

For the record my team was never in the running for either player so your hypothesis fails there too.
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