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Author Topic: The worst Player in the NFL? How about Over rated?  (Read 1584 times)
« on: October 28, 2010, 10:51:33 am »

I saw this some how on SI.com (it wasn't on the front page initially)  The Buffalo News claimed Bills LB Aaron Maybin was the worst player in the NFL.2 years 20 tackles ,and possibly inactive against the Chiefs this weekend...I started reading the comments, and Vernon Gholstons' name popped in my head I checked his stats...in his 3rd year and he's got 20 tackles...

Earlier this week, There was a poll of NFL player,who was the most over rated...Terrell Owens won that one....

So Let's not turn this into an anti-fins post!

So who do you think is the worst player in the NFL? Over drafted, under performed,etc,etc....


Who do you think is the most over rated player in the NFL? Too much hype,people think of his as a top ten in his position,etc,etc.

Again.Let's not turn this into an anti-fins post!
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« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2010, 11:08:06 am »

I think it's important to preface that these players should be starters in some capacity - if a guy has 10 tackles in 2 years, it may mean that he simply hasn't been able to start any games yet (and used on special teams).

I really think that Bernard Berrian (WR, Minnesota) deserves some consideration here. For some reason he was hyped up beyond belief, and has never been able to get on the field. He's now the 3rd or 4th WR on the Vikings depth chart, and that's not including Sidney Rice. He drops passes at critical times, he doesn't make the football field at all in some games, and in the games that he does make the field, he rarely gets open, if ever during the game.

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« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2010, 11:21:23 am »

I think it's important to preface that these players should be starters in some capacity - if a guy has 10 tackles in 2 years, it may mean that he simply hasn't been able to start any games yet (and used on special teams).

I would say that is should not be limited to starters, but ought include first and second round picks that don't start. If you were drafted 6th overall and only have a limited number of starts in three years such as Gholston then you suck.  OTOH and UDFA that is used mostly on ST doesn't count as sucking. 

BTW my vote is Gholston. 

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« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2010, 01:00:31 pm »

the worst player in the NFL?  That's a loaded question but it's probably whoever is on Buffalo's practice squad.  If you can't start for them, I'm afraid for you.

The most overrated?  I'm going with Ray Lewis.  He's a very good player but I never thought he was the all-world second coming they made him out to be. 

Hey... what's in the bowl bitch?
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