I've never heard players throw their head coach under the bus like that. The usual "diva" players around the league, maybe, but this is... wow... he's completely lost the team.
"Six Vikings players told the Sun-Times they would like Childress to be fired but they won't give up on their teammates."
A few quotes (presumably from those six):
"We're playing for us, and we're winning despite him."
"We know that [Brad] Childress doesn't have our backs, so why should we have his?"
"We got too many good football players, and we won't lay down like Dallas," (hahahah)
"He has absolutely no people skills,"
"As much as I hate Childress," another player told the Sun-Times, "I will keep playing."
From another article, after Percy Harvin got into it with Childress: "The two had to be separated, but Harvin was applauded by several teammates and even coaches for standing up to Childress.",CST-SPT-sean10.articleSo Childress has not only lost the team, he's lost the coaching staff as well.