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Author Topic: People I hate.  (Read 13481 times)
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« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2010, 04:45:15 pm »

People who stop by my house unexpected and during my work hours.
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« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2010, 06:11:09 pm »

I am with Philly on this. I can't think of a single person that I truly hate.....I can think of a ton that I dislike.

Dislike list.

Kayne West
Lady GaGa
Jennifer Lopez
Nancy Pelosi
Hillary Clinton
Al Gore
The entire State of California
The entire Country of France
Lebron James
Tim McGraw
Anything that has to do with Dancing with the Stars or Glee

I think I will stop there I could go on for days......

I got to ask. I understand most people's response whether I agree or not but Tim McGraw? I don't get it. 

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« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2010, 06:46:51 pm »

I am with Philly on this. I can't think of a single person that I truly hate.....I can think of a ton that I dislike.

Dislike list.

Kayne West
Lady GaGa
Jennifer Lopez
Nancy Pelosi
Hillary Clinton
Al Gore
The entire State of California
The entire Country of France
Lebron James
Tim McGraw
Anything that has to do with Dancing with the Stars or Glee

I think I will stop there I could go on for days......

Just curious as to why you hate California as much as France?
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« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2010, 07:11:52 pm »

Just curious as to why you hate California as much as France?

I am actually curious as to the reason for hating of France.  Is the reason for this because they believed the UN reports that there was no WMD in Iraqi and rejected the blatantly falsified reports generated by the Bush administration? 

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« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2010, 07:12:08 pm »

The entire country of France?  Even Normandy?  

I love Normandy.  Great food, cool museums, friendly people who still remember the sacrifice made by American, British and Canadian soldiers on the D-Day beaches.
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2010, 07:21:06 pm »

I got to ask. I understand most people's response whether I agree or not but Tim McGraw? I don't get it. 
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« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2010, 07:56:22 pm »

anyone who has been banned from tdmmc and a few who haven't

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« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2010, 01:37:53 am »

My older daughter's mother. There aren't enough swear words to describe what I think of her.

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« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2010, 09:43:07 am »

Are you seriously expecting highly motivated, well prepared students in an intro business course at a community college with open enrollment? 

I am not knocking community colleges, they are wonderful programs that often have better teachers than the universities, but the level of academic preparedness and motivation particularly in the day school is lower than the average high school.  If you are expecting otherwise you ought teach elsewhere, such as a grad school.

You hit it right on the head, Hoodie.  Half of all the high school students in this area attend Gulf Coast Community College, although only a small percentage of them actually finish.  A lot of them have trouble with proper punctuation and other grammatical errors when they write their papers.  Makes me wonder how on earth they got high school diplomas.

I make it very clear at the beginning of my classes that these are COLLEGE LEVEL courses for COLLEGE CREDIT.  You are expected to use the knowledge you acquired in high school and are here to learn to think for yourself. 
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 09:47:06 am by Landshark » Logged
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« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2010, 10:13:16 am »

I think you are expecting too much.  Keep in mind that for the most part the top high school students don't attend GCCC.  They go straight to a four year college, the ones that are not prepared to handle a "real" college default to your school.  I am not saying you must lower your standards for grading, but don't hate the mediocre students because they are mediocre.  If they had the skill set to get into Harvard they would not be in your classroom.  But also keep in mind you are teaching business, not grammar.  You should not hold back a student who learns the concepts of your class (business) but arrived having lacked something else (grammar).  The purpose of your college is to give not so great students a second chance, don't hate them for not being top students.  Top students is NOT your customer base.   

You hit it right on the head, Hoodie.  Half of all the high school students in this area attend Gulf Coast Community College, although only a small percentage of them actually finish.  A lot of them have trouble with proper punctuation and other grammatical errors when they write their papers.  Makes me wonder how on earth they got high school diplomas.

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« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2010, 12:18:29 pm »

The entire Country of France

I'm all about hating and disliking things - this thread is right up my alley.

I'm just curious about this one. France has one of the world's highest literacy rates (e.g. they are smart),  have one of the world's highest environmentally-conscious ratings (e.g. they are healthy), and are the world's top tourist country destination (e.g. people like them).

There's also a bazillion years of history, culture, and art that comes from France.

Why hate France? It's not like they are North Korea or Iraq or something...

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« Reply #26 on: November 30, 2010, 12:19:44 pm »


Possibly the snooty attitude stereotype?

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« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2010, 12:32:01 pm »

^^^ Or their nationwide lack of anything resembling a spine...


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« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2010, 12:35:30 pm »


Possibly the snooty attitude stereotype?

Nah...French hating really came into its own when the French Intelligence agencies concluded the US was full of shit regarding Iraqi WMD and congress passed a law renamed fried potatoes to "freedom fries".

A sunstroke they have a spine.  They didn't kowtow to the US regarding the phony Iraqi WMD. 

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« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2010, 12:47:44 pm »

Nah...French hating really came into its own when the French Intelligence agencies concluded the US was full of shit regarding Iraqi WMD and congress passed a law renamed fried potatoes to "freedom fries".

A sunstroke they have a spine.  They didn't kowtow to the US regarding the phony Iraqi WMD. 
Well the question becomes did they not really believe that Iraq had WMD's or did they just not think there was enough evidence of them for the US to act on it yet.  I tend to think it was the latter and in hindsight, they probably were right to want a little more evidence.  It's been suggested that Saddam wanted us to believe he had WMD's when in fact he didn't.  That doesn't necessarily mean we fabricated the whole thing, just that we should have been more diligent about using facts rather than speculation.

And the attitude that the French lacked a backbone goes back far further than Iraq, it goes all the way back to World War II, it was just rekindled with Iraq.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 12:55:11 pm by Pappy13 » Logged

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