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Author Topic: People I hate.  (Read 13449 times)
StL FinFan
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« Reply #60 on: December 04, 2010, 12:18:01 am »

If you copy and paste someone else's words without citing your source, it most definitely is plagiarism.  Everything on message boards is most certainly not free domain for anyone to pass off as their own.  That is unethical and against those "ridiculous laws".   Just because action is not taken does not make it ok.


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« Reply #61 on: December 04, 2010, 12:23:10 am »

Ain't nothing wrong with scaryoke now! Its a sociology experiment every time. I like to do it too, but I haven't been out to a scaryoke bar in damn, 2 years. Need to get out there again!

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« Reply #62 on: December 04, 2010, 01:49:38 am »

That's why I was so down about losing to you in fantasy.  I thought you were going to post an attack on me and my karaoke in gloating over your victory.  I was wrong, there, I will admit.

At this point, I'll assume you've gotten used to being wrong and it's not such a big deal for you any more. You were probably down because you were hoping to talk smack to me...you know, in the really-real world that you only occasionally visit.

Also...please point to one comment from me in "recent weeks" that had anything to do with your karaoke. I've never really listened to more than 10-15 seconds of anything you've sung, as 10-15 seconds of the first one was pretty much all I needed to hear before I filed it under "Please, Lord, don't ever make me listen to that again!"

P.S. Please don't start chats with me when you see me on FB. Aside from explaining fantasy league rules to you when you're too lazy to actually read the rules, I really don't have much interest in light banter with ya...

Anything I missed?


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« Reply #63 on: December 04, 2010, 02:30:07 am »

At this point, I'll assume you've gotten used to being wrong and it's not such a big deal for you any more. You were probably down because you were hoping to talk smack to me...you know, in the really-real world that you only occasionally visit.

Also...please point to one comment from me in "recent weeks" that had anything to do with your karaoke. I've never really listened to more than 10-15 seconds of anything you've sung, as 10-15 seconds of the first one was pretty much all I needed to hear before I filed it under "Please, Lord, don't ever make me listen to that again!"

P.S. Please don't start chats with me when you see me on FB. Aside from explaining fantasy league rules to you when you're too lazy to actually read the rules, I really don't have much interest in light banter with ya...

Anything I missed?

OK, here

^^^ There ya go, gettin' all silly again. Wink

You have 3 players active in the Thursday nighter...I have 1. We'll "really" have a good idea who's going to win at about 11:00 PM Sunday night, when Hines Ward for you and Mike Wallace for me put the final stats in the boxscore.

Side note on this matchup: I have two key starters on bye (Aaron Rodgers, Greg Jennings), while you come in at full strength...yet ESPN's "not-very-reliable" projections have me favored by 27.

So, enjoy whatever lead you may get on Thursday night, 4Lifer... Heck, invite some friends over on Friday night for a victory celebration/karaoke-fest even. They won't check up on you afterward, so they'll never actually know that you ended up getting your butt kicked by 30-something at the end.


Quite a few, actually

- I'm not used to being wrong.

- I was not hoping to talk smack to you.  IT'S FANTASY FOOTBALL!!!!  No skill involved!!!!

- You've taken several attacks at me for my karaoke singing, as I show above

- I do live in the "really-real" world.  If I didn't, I'd get into car accidents every day, smack into trees when I'm walking, and have a lot of other crazy things happen to me. 

- I "started that "chat" to ask you to read my PM, not because I was looking to start an interesting conversation with you.

Look, I can't tell if you really think I'm a whackjob, or if you are just joking, but if you are serious, let me tell you explicitly that I'm not. 

I posted in this thread because I did not like your completely inaccurate portrayal of Tommy, who is quite a friendly person.  I think most people would do the same if somebody said similar things about one of their friends.

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« Reply #64 on: December 04, 2010, 03:21:53 am »


It's not plagarism.  Period.  Internet Message boards are not governed by those ridiculous laws that I have to cope with at school.   Anything you post is free domain.  And if you take that much pride in what you post on a message board, I'd say you got problems.   

And the only reason he copies your posts is to get a rise out of you.  In response to the way you personally attack him. 

I've been on this board for awhile now, and the way you throw insults at him,
unprovoked, is not only extremely uncalled for and classless, but childish.

I've held back saying anything for fear of getting banned, but I feel somebody needs to point this out.

To treat ANYBODY the way you've treated him is what is unethical.       

"slimy excuse for a human being?"  because of copying internet posts?  That statement right there is what is messed up, not my mind.   

Tommy attacked a lot of people and used to go off on crazy tangents, and then would complain when someone made the remotest joke about him. I got an official warning because he complained about an underware joke I made.
The man was an online bully who went off on extremely angry and profanity laced rants. We all have our moments where we will lose it and post something uncool, but he had volumes of such posts.

As to the plagiarism concept. Here are a couple thoughts.
http://www.free-legal-document.com/copyright-laws-internet.html Goes into more detail on how to protect your work.
But here is the part that most pertains to you arguement with Stroke and STL
Work published on the Internet, be it content, graphics, forum posts or whatever may be publicly accessible but that does not mean it is in the public domain.

"Generally speaking, copyrighted work enters the public domain (owned by the public) roughly 50 to 70 years after the death of the creator, unless the holder of the copyright in a work declares it "in the public domain" before that.

All copyrighted work on the Web (unless declared otherwise) is therefore protected by copyright laws and internet content may not be reproduced without explicit authorization from the copyright owner"
Dave Gray
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« Reply #65 on: December 04, 2010, 09:05:51 am »

I'm going to lock this thread, because I don't think it's productive.  However, I will use it to get the last word in:

1) Stealing someone else's work and passing it off as your own, without credit, is the definition of plagiarism.  Whether or not it's illegal is irrelevant.  It's not like I'm looking to press charges.  It's just douchey and about the lamest thing you can do.

2) Let's take it easy on Tommy.  It's not productive to shit-talk a guy who isn't here to defend himself, although I have a sneaking suspicion that he's feeding dolphins4life some of his lines.

3) Stroke's comments towards dolphins4life regarding his karaoke: "Heck, invite some friends over on Friday night for a victory celebration/karaoke-fest even." don't even come close to the realm of being a personal attack.  If you post your own original work here and people think it sucks (which up until now they didn't), that's on you.  I think that everyone has been supportive of your videos -- but not because they have to be.

Lastly, Phinzrage is a cool site and people like it.  Don't make this about them.  They have cooperated with me about this and other things.

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