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Author Topic: Holiday Office Parties  (Read 1686 times)
« on: December 06, 2010, 03:49:42 pm »

This morning at the staff meeting,I took my customary spot holding up the corner of the conference room,and it seemed the whole office was buzzing about the office Christmas Party...The owners have really penny pinched this year,and the rumor was no party,no dinner...The rumor was they were going to announce something this morning...Which was actually they've not decided what they're gonna do yet....

How does where you work handle office parties? is it a grab bag gifts,draw names,no gifts....Do they throw a party,take you out to dinner, have dinner brought in?

Are you allowed to bring your spouse? how about the kids?

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« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 04:47:36 pm »

There are only two people that work for my company within Florida. We did talk them into paying for dinner one night at Carrabba's a couple years ago.
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