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Author Topic: How much will Haslem help the HEAT? Also - Mike Miler  (Read 1974 times)
Dave Gray
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« on: March 14, 2011, 09:54:10 am »

Maybe it's an excuse in my brain, but I think that we're really missing something big by not having Udonis Haslem in the lineup.  The guy has a lot of intangibles, helping with defense, rebounds, etc.  He's just an all-around smart player and a guy who can take just a little bit of pressure off of the big 3.

As for Mike Miller, I'm not as down on him as every is right now.  Sure, he can't shoot at all right now.  But he's helping out a lot in other ways.  He's been a great defender, rebounder, and has moved well away from the ball.  You can't just look at the scoring line for a guy like that.

I drink your milkshake!
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