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Author Topic: ESPN Fab 5 documentary  (Read 2224 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« on: March 15, 2011, 10:34:53 pm »

The ESPN 30 for 30's have been great, this one sucked. It really did. Talk about re-writing history.

They made it seem the Fab Five brought baggy shorts to the game of basketball. Uh, no. MJ in the NBA and UNLV in college did that. Then they made it seem the Fab Five brought rap music to the fore front of American Culture.....uh, not even close. Rap came alive in the 80's, not the early 90's and the Fab Five. And Jalen Rose is on national TV calling all black players who went to Duke Uncle Tom's. Are you kidding me?

Plus the documentary never got into the fact that anyone who follows College Basketball during that time and the decade before knows that Michigan had a black cloud over its head for 10+ years. Shaddy recruiting tactics and lots of suspicion of illegal recruiting. It wasn't even hidden. It was a wink-wink, nod-nod type of thing.

And you have a team that won NOTHING, forget a National Title, The Fab Five NEVER WON THE BIG 10!!! . And Jalen Rose at the end is putting down teams that actually won championships and saying nobody remembers them, but everyone remembers us. Yeah, they remember you for cheating, getting paid, and a Bill Buckner like mistake of calling timeout at the end of the Championship game. Nobody remembers you guys for anything "good".
YJFF Member
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« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2011, 09:27:24 am »

^ Chris Webber's multiple-step travelling on the in-bounds play (not called), the complete look of fear in his eyes, and the time-out call was quite possibly the biggest 5 seconds of choke-job in sports history.

I cannot remember any other single player choking so hard at such a big moment than Chris Webber did in the Final Four.

Giants: '56 NFL Champs; Super Bowl XXI, XXV, XLII Champs
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« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2011, 10:49:56 am »

You have to remember that this documentary was actually produced by Jalen Rose I believe. Sure he had on some rose colored glasses (pardon the pun), I'm sure to him that's how it appeared.

I thought it was a pretty good documentary. You can never take a documentary at face value when it comes to facts, it is afterall a documentary made from 1 person's perspective and may be a little bit biased. This one probably even a bit more than usual.

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YJFF Member
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« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2011, 10:53:47 am »

Can't stand Jalen Rose...one of the most annoying players in the NBA the past 20 or so years.

Tried watching this documentary, because I actually have enjoyed a number of other films in the 30 for 30 series, but this one sucked pretty badly, imo, and I got about 10 minutes in before deciding to cut my losses and move along to something else.


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« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2011, 12:21:26 pm »

I didn't watch this one, but I did recently watch HBO's documentary on the Runnin' Rebels. I thought that one was pretty good.
Uber Member
Posts: 13582

« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2011, 05:14:29 pm »

I didn't watch this one, but I did recently watch HBO's documentary on the Runnin' Rebels. I thought that one was pretty good.

UNLV one was much much better. That was a great piece of work by HBO and they had it at 1 hour and didn't re-write history
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