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Author Topic: How do "Windows mobile device center"&"Sync Center" work?  (Read 1361 times)
« on: March 30, 2011, 12:08:45 pm »

I'm beyond frustration,to the point of throwing my cellphone against the wall,taking it out and running it over with my truck, dousing it with gasoline,then lighting it on fire,then throwing the effin piece of shit at the bottom of a lake somewhere... Embarrassed

It's an At&T tilt2 (htc touch pro2) FYI..It's ran beautifully since January of 2010 (when I finally got it where I liked it)

I want to say Sunday night,I was charging my laptop,bunch of AA's batteries,I also happen to be recharging my makita drill.Basically I was out of plugs to plug in my cell phone, So I pulled out the USB cable,plugged it into my phone,and my computer,left it and went to bed....

Then Next morning,when I turned the display on my cell on, it said my band switcher program had quit,and (along with a couple of others that changed the colors of things,allowed me to run multiple backgrounds,etc,etc) I did a soft reset,when the phone restarted,the same thing....I did this 3-4 times the same thing.

So I did a hard reset and set it back to factory specs. and programs/bloatware.Tried  to reinstall the programs that I was running,but some of them didn't work,so I went to look for updated versions...

So I found HTC has an updated Rom to fix a bunch of problems....Every solution (even cooked roms), you have to sync your phone with your computer with Sync...My phone says it's connected to the host..The Computer (windows 7 64 bit) Pus it as a generic storage device,then on the property tab it says Pocket Pc device.Windows ran through windows update 5-6 times,I've downloaded and installed a trial of Microsoft office (because it keeps mentioning,syncing through outlook  Huh )

The microsoft mobile device center doesn't seem to change one bit regardless of what settings I change on the phone, or the programs...It always says device not connected...

I've gone though all the FAQ's,Trouble shootings,almost everywhere I can find...and nothing has worked....

Anyone use these? Microsoft mobile device center,or Sync center? How is it supposed to work..when you plug in your phone a wizard shows up? please tell me...I'm lost here...
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2011, 09:22:15 pm »

Nevermind, I got tired of F'n with it.....I just bought a Blackberry 9800 Torch....
YJFF Member
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Posts: 3174

« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2011, 09:46:57 pm »

Brian has that phone - it's nice Cheesy

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