or expensive.
This is a myth. And this myth has greatly slowed down the green movement unnecessarily.
Unplugging your adapters so they use less energy is not expensive it saves you money.
Same deal with shutting off the lights when they are not in use.
CFP while they initially cost a bit more than regular ones last 10 times longer so they save you money.
My grocery store deducts 3 cents for every bag I bring instead of using theirs. How does this translate to expensive?
Towns that have curbside recycling pay less in garage costs than those that don't.
Repairing and reusing items instead of throwing them out and buying new helps you wallet as much as the landfill.
Walking, riding your bike, or using public transportation to save gas and cut down on CO2, saves money.
Almost every aspect of going green saves money and is not expensive. Some things such as installing solar energy system have costs up front, but pay themselves back in a few years.