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Author Topic: How have you gone "green"?  (Read 1809 times)
« on: April 07, 2011, 11:16:56 am »

I admit, I've never been a save the planet guy....For me getting into the green movement either seemed like a lot of work,or expensive.Since being more green,has becoming more popular,I've embraced being more green....

Some of the things I've gone more green.
*I do alot of online shopping,The cardboard boxes go to the free city recycle place,I take a lot more stuff to the the computer recycling center,which takes almost everything.(even though it costs $1-$5 per item) I do this alot when I clean out the garage,rather than taking them t the landfill. I admit, I don't recycle all my garbage,I don't have curbside pick up,and I have a tiny kitchen,so no room to separate everything out...

*Rechargable batteries - This is where I've got the biggest boom,Other than my clocks,and smoke detectors, I've gone rechargable (I think I might have a camping flashlight that takes D's that isn't rechargeable) Powerex,and Duracell seem to work the best for me...I feel it saves me money,in the long run.

*Lighting - I've gone to power compacts,and I've tried to go LED...I have some under cabinet LED lights I bought last year,they were good but not great, now they barely glow...It was a different type of light than a florescent bulb,so that took a little getting used too....

Not really green, but I try to buy things that are more power efficient...I don't leave chargers plugged in,I try to unplug things I don't use often.
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« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2011, 11:26:50 am »

or expensive.

This is a myth.  And this myth has greatly slowed down the green movement unnecessarily. 

Unplugging your adapters so they use less energy is not expensive it saves you money.

Same deal with shutting off the lights when they are not in use.

CFP while they initially cost a bit more than regular ones last 10 times longer so they save you money. 

My grocery store deducts 3 cents for every bag I bring instead of using theirs.  How does this translate to expensive?

Towns that have curbside recycling pay less in garage costs than those that don't. 

Repairing and reusing items instead of throwing them out and buying new helps you wallet as much as the landfill.

Walking, riding your bike, or using public transportation to save gas and cut down on CO2, saves money. 

Almost every aspect of going green saves money and is not expensive.  Some things such as installing solar energy system have costs up front, but pay themselves back in a few years. 


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« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2011, 11:34:08 am »

How about quit nitpicking, and answer the question....For few years, the "recycled" paper,cost more to buy than the new paper...it was more expensive,that was my experience...
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« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2011, 11:41:55 am »

How have you gone "green"?

I stopped using the antifungal cream on my toenails...and they're much greener now.


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« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2011, 12:03:09 pm »

Okay recycled paper at one time was more expensive and still is sometimes...Which was totally marketing and has almost nothing to do with recycling.  Even before recycled paper became vogue lots of paper was recycled anyway.  Some companies were selling the exact same paper each made of 42-45% recycled stock one labeled as "at least 40% recycled" and the rest unlabeled.  The labeled stuff cost more, but equal % recycled.  Now companies will attempt to have some 100% recycled but the more of that stuff they sell just means that the rest of the stuff has a smaller % of recycled, the net trees saved is zip.  More important than buying recycled paper is making sure that your waste paper does get recycled as that is what determines how much paper is recycled or not.

As for your question. 

I walk instead of drive for distances under a mile or so.   
Shut off the lights when not in use.  (which saves my landlord money not me)
bring my own bags to the store


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« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2011, 12:32:52 pm »

I wish my grocery store gave credit for using my own bags

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« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2011, 12:58:37 pm »

I wish my grocery store gave credit for using my own bags

That is not even why I started doing it.  I often walk to the grocery store and use a backpack because it is easier to carry the stuff home that way.  Yeah, I go the store frequently.  Carrying a weeks worth of groceries would not be fun. 

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« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2011, 04:31:47 pm »

I have done some green things, although I must admit it is done to save money, not to save the environment.  Things such as replacing the lightbulbs and putting in new windows to save on energy costs.  Plan to replace and add some insulation this year.  Where I live they collect recyclables seperate from normal trash, and you have to buy garbage bags, so the more you put in the free recycling bins saves money.
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« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2011, 05:30:44 pm »

I have changed most of the bulbs in my house to the curly things that everyone says are so great.  I love the dark so I rarely have any lights on in the house anyways. I participate in the recycling program and I am pretty anal about it. Yeah that's about it.

I drive two big powerful V8 vehicles that get shitty gas mileage and I don't care. You would not catch my ass in a Prius or a Civic those are not vehicles they are matchbox cars. I used to have toys bigger than those. My vehicles are practical for me so I really don't care what anyone else thinks of them to be perfectly honest.

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